Saturday, April 14, 2012

Eight Hindrances to Divine Healing

I am often asked why it is some will manifest the healing purchased for them at Calvary while others will not. Though I've been privileged to have taken part in quite a few instant healings and progressive miracles, some I have prayed for have passed away.   
                                                                                                                            Now THAT's an instant healing! 

I have gotten into the habit of asking what it is an individual actually has the faith to believe in - whether it's a surgeon's scalpel or Holy Spirit power. I recently ministered to an elderly woman in a wheel chair who requested I pray for her in her home. This woman had many ailments at 83 years old and told me she didn't expect to leap from her wheel chair. Instead, she wanted healing for the emotional burdens she carried. In contrast, when another 80-something stroke victim in a wheelchair requested prayer, she boldly declared she would NOT live the remainder of her life in that chair. I ministered healing and she walked around the room. Twice!

I don't believe the following list of hindrances to healing is comprehensive, but it was well-received. Blessings!

1. Self-Deception

There are deceptions that hinder healing. They are sometimes referred to as "Guardian Lies" that protect wounded areas. EXAMPLES: "I'm not worthy";"God doesn't want to heal me";"I deserve to be sick because of what I did"; "If I dredge that up again, I will die - it is just too painful"; "I have decided to put the past behind me and press on"; "I cannot bear the shame of sharing the past with anyone."

Some will say, "God has allowed this and is trying to teach me something." To these I ask, "Then why do you persist in taking meds and trying to heal yourself?"

2. Demonic interference

A demon is like a wasp in your car; annoying, distracting, and can cause a wreck. Oftentimes, a demon has some legal right to be there. EXAMPLES: anger, hidden rage, unforgiveness, a contact with the occult, idolatry, false religion or a generational curse. Take the time to stop the car and eliminate the pest!

3. Disassociation

Healing may be hindered by disassociation, defined as, "a split in the conscious process in which a group of mental activities breaks away from the main stream of consciousness and function as a separate unit, as if belonging to another person or the abnormal separation of related ideas, thoughts, or emotions." (James 1:8 ) "A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways."

A traumatizing event often makes it impossible to cope. A dissociative, amnesic barrier, is erected in the mind between conscious awareness and the painful memory. This usually happens during severe stress and trauma, especially before age six.

The painful event is hidden, but it is buried alive with all its lies, fear, pain and shame. Later in life it will leak back into awareness in flashbacks as bits and pieces with no apparent meaning. This usually results in panic attacks and fear of going crazy.

4. Fear

God has not given us a Spirit of Fear...(2 Tim 1:7) People are often fearful of what they will discover when they seek healing. Demons reinforce the fear with torment. It will seem like too much to manage. Tormented people even fear their own healing. The fear can become so intense that the person is afraid to go out of their house, take part in normal activities or believe they are going to die. The person may not realize that their life is dysfunctional. After all, this is the way it has always been; it's all they know.

Well-meaning people will encourage them to forget about the hurt, memory or abuse, assuring that it will go away. The afflicted person knows this isn't true because they have been trying to forget for years. There is constant turmoil because the mind tries to resolve the conflict to have peace.

5. Trust and submission

Relationship before function is critical to the healing process. At times, our attempts at ministring healing will start out as light-hearted and quite social events as we try to get to know the person seeking healing. We've found that a lack of trust will delay, or stop the healing process. Trust comes in measures just like faith; it grows with time.

6. Unresolved anger, resentment and bitterness

Many are not open to receive healing because of bitterness and anger. They are too focused on how unfair they've been treated and how "someone must pay!" Unresolved anger and rage will surface whenever the old pain or lies are triggered. Tormenting spirits (Matt 18:34-35) prey upon individuals in this condition. Dealing with unforgiveness is key in these situations.

7. Lack of Faith

Even Jesus Himself could do very few miracles where there was a lack of faith. Once, He cleared the room. Another time, He ministered twice. In His own hometown, very few were healed.

8. Religion

Whether it's the minister who forbids “his flock” to receive ministry from a stranger, or an individual who refuses to allow anyone to lay hands on them, anoint with oil, or pray the Prayer of Faith, healing often doesn't get a chance as a result of church tradition. I believe many are dying unnecessarily, simply because The Church has failed them through unbelief and lackluster discipleship.

Our Team of Intercessors has seen many miracles resulting from prayer. If you, or someone you know, is ill, please prayerfully consider sending us a handkerchief, scarf, towel, whatever you like. We will anoint and pray over that object and return it to you. CLICK HERE for details.

Every blessing,
Michael Tummillo

1 comment:

  1. Amen Mike....This is a good teaching. I have come to realize that there is a difference in being saved and born-again. Being saved is reserving a place in heaven. Being Born-again is take on the mind of Christ. We are a new creation, old things have passed away. We are joint-heirs with Him. We house the same Holy Spirit that raised Him from the grave. Jesus considered it "not robbery" to be like God. We should consider it the same, "not robbery" to be like God. Jesus is our "husband". He has already provided everything we will need and more. Romans 8:32, John 10:10, 1 Cor 5;17. Deut 30:19,Eph 4:22,Rom 8:12..17, Pro 23:17, Rom 8:6
    When we begin to see ourselves as God sees us, all the Blessings of God will be manifested in our lives. No weapon can stand against that!!!
    As He Is in this world, So are We!!! The last time I looked, Jesus is not sick!!!
