Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Many Christian people you know NEED THIS MESSAGE! 
I guarantee it!

I'm Michael Tummillo, a Workplace Minister, Founder of The Church @ Work.

Any Christian with a job has a ministry. They need to know it and must be released into that!

This ministry is INTER-denominational. 
EVERYONE needs this message!

Click the GigSalad logo above: Read the testimonials, watch the video and let me hear from you!

Thank you for FORWARDING to your Church leaders.

Every blessing,

Michael Tummillo
Stephenville, TX

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


The following message is one over which I have prayed long and hard and for quite a while. I feel it's time I released it to people such as yourself so you may do likewise. Though I believe we are ALL ministers of reconciliation, according to God's Word, I recognize why this particular message MUST be directed toward those who lead a traditional church congregation.
My name is Michael Tummillo, a non-denominational minister in Texas. I have been a Member of a group called The Black Robe Regiment (BRR) the past four years. Though some have believed this group of ministers disbanded after the Revolutionary War, truth is, 'the Regiment' is alive and well!
Though I encourage ALL ministers of ALL denominations to join our ranks, I'm writing this message in no official capacity; I wasn't instructed to do so by BRR leadership and I'm writing solely as a concerned American citizen and a Minister of the Gospel of the Kingdom. 
My concern is this: The government plans to press into service any Ministers they can recruit as part of their Clergy Response Teams (CRT) to deploy during Martial Law situations, due to their perceived community influence. I've heard they are looking for 26,000 Ministers. Before you are approached and asked to be utilized in this manner, playing any role in the suspension of the Constitutional Rights of our Fellow Americans, do you believe anyone can make quality decisions without quality details? To aid you in your decision, I'd like for you to watch the following brief YouTube video on this topic. Afterward, I hope you'll pray and seek the Lord as to what He would have you do in case such an event takes place.
CLICK HERE (2 min 1 sec)
Another concern regarding these Clergy Response Teams is that, because so many ministries have a 501(c)3 non-profit status, they might have no choice but to assist, even as Constitutional Rights are suspended, else these Ministers lose that status. Would that have an effect on donations and how much would that weigh on one's decision regarding joining the CRT? The question we have to ask ourselves is: "Do I want to be part of that?" I believe this is why, 15 years ago, as I prayed about applying for my own 501(c)3, I felt led by the Spirit NOT to pursue that route. Today, in retrospect, it's clear to me how being a religious non-profit simply would have positioned me much too intimately with the government and I prefer NOT to surrender my liberty to anyone, thank you. 

But the choice is yours. My convictions are not required to be anybody else's.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." - First Amendment to the US Constitution, remember that document?
Do you see what's happening here, friends?
In order to convince American citizens to surrender their firearms to the government during a time of Martial Law, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is enlisting the assistance of America's clergy. According to the DHS, they want us to tell our congregations that, according to Romans 13, they must surrender their firearms when the government asks them to do so. You may not be pro-gun. If possible, can you 
Pastor Chuck Baldwin eloquently addresses the Romans 13 question here:
Allow me to address the Romans 13 issue briefly and bluntly: According to Romans 13, every citizen is only bound to obey our governing officials to the degree that the governing officials do not violate the duty of the citizen to obey the "higher powers" which, for Americans, are God and the U.S. Constitution. In other words, no Christian can be ordered to disobey God, and no American citizen can be ordered to disobey the U.S. Constitution. Properly understood, Romans 13 teaches that each and every governing official (including the President of the United States and all those under him) must submit to the U.S. Constitution.
Article VI, Paragraph 3 of the Constitution states, "The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution."
So, what does the Constitution say about disarming American citizens? The Second Amendment could not be clearer: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
I repeat: "...the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED." [Emphasis MINE]
Therefore, any attempt to disarm the American people must be viewed as an act of tyranny and MUST be resisted.
The right to keep and bear arms is rooted deep in our nation's history. It was the attempted gun confiscation of the cache of the colonists' weapons in Concord, Massachusetts, that lit the fuse for America's fight for independence.
America's founders were clear on this subject. George Washington called our firearms "the people's liberty teeth." Thomas Jefferson, said, "No free man shall ever be de-barred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain their right to keep and bear arms is as a last resort to protect themselves against tyranny in government." Patrick Henry said, "The great object is that every man be armed. Everyone who is able may have a gun." Samuel Adams said, "The said Constitution shall never be construed to authorize Congress to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms."
What did Jesus Christ tell His followers on this subject? He said (Luke 11:21), "When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace." In other words, in order for a man's goods to be "in peace" it was necessary that he be ARMED. Now, I don't know about you, but I'll take the Words of Jesus over the word of the DHS all day long!
Jesus also told his disciples (Luke 22:36), "[H]e that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." Upon hearing these words, Simon Peter responded by saying, "Lord, behold, here are two swords." (vs. 38) That means at least two of Jesus' disciples were armed with swords (the 1st Century equivalent of a handgun, used for personal protection). Did Jesus rebuke them or ask them to surrender their swords? NO! He merely said, "It is enough."
Even after Simon Peter used his sword to cut off the ear of Malchus as soldiers came to arrest Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus merely told him to "put up thy sword." But notice, He did not say to him, "give up they sword.” He merely told him it wasn't time to use it, because it was in the plan and providence of God that Jesus be taken to Pilate, that He might be crucified for our sins.
I cannot be convinced that the Bible teaches pacifism. It doesn't.
While you're praying about this, pray about joining The Black Robe Regiment, too. You may prefer to 

join "unofficially" while upholding the Constitution and serving your congregation in accordance with 

the heritage of the men of the BRR who've gone before us.

Following is the official video of The Black Robe Regiment with David Barton. Enjoy! 

Please FORWARD this message to every Member of the clergy you know. Thank you!
Every blessing to you as you work in your corner of the vineyard,
Michael Tummillo

Monday, September 30, 2013

Are you involved with a Cult?
I am addressing this topic as one who's had personal experience. 

Not only was I involved in a 90-day close encounter with a "church" Barbara Walters on "20/20" referred to as "the fastest growing cult in America," but I have assisted others in getting out of that same cult. Twice. I have blogged on the subject and I was invited to give a 4-week presentation on the cults at a local Cowboy Church. I once attended a seminar on cults and the other members of the audience were so intrigued by my questions and personal testimony, after the seminar, I had more people asking questions of me than the speaker had asking her. Maybe you, too, will find this interesting. For some, this may serve as a Red Flag.

When God turned Moses' staff into a serpent, the Egyptian magicians did the same. Satan is still counterfeiting the things of God and church assemblies are no exception.

I've been the Singles Pastor of a 3,000-Member non-denominational church, the Assistant Pastor of a 300-Member non-denominational church, the Assistant Pastor of a 100-Member Baptist church and, for the past 10 years, have affiliated myself with a House Church group that has seen many miracles take place and lives dramatically changed. We encourage our Members to be like the Bereans who "examined the scriptures every day" to see whether the things Paul and Silas were teaching them lined up with Scripture. Not only that, but let's look at what the original language says as well as various Bible translations. Fact is, if anyone were to embrace a particular doctrine they were comfortable with when they joined us, even after examining the Scriptures, that's fine; it's where they're at this very moment and we respect that. We can't expect a baby to know how to run, right? Our goal as a Church is to flesh-out the "one another" verses of Scripture; to show them the love of Jesus, NOT to make anyone in our own image. Let's ask questions and seek the answers together. Our job #1 is to love one another, no matter what they believe. After all, God loved us - me in particular - even when I believed some really goofy spiritual stuff!

Multitudes of church-attenders are leaving the traditional church these days. Across America, Canada and the UK, last I heard, over 53,000 Christians weekly were turning to other religions or irreligion. For perspective, that's about how many soldiers died in the Vietnam War.

When the Holy Spirit woke me at 5:30 this morning (it may have been my wife's alarm as she had an early meeting to attend), I felt compelled to write on this topic. So, I dusted off some notes and started gathering information to share with you. I hope this serves as a blessing to many. Pass it on!

Are you told not to question what is being taught because the leaders are honest and want the best for you so you must trust them? Has someone else's beliefs replaced your own choices in any aspect of life? Have you checked your brain at the door, absorbing whatever comes from your group's leaders without question? Folks, the Holy Spirit is your teacher and He lovingly moves each of us along at our own pace in pursuit of truth. Our responsibility is to love one another, no matter what we believe.
Are you told not to ask questions about why anyone left the group, but are expected to accept the answers the leaders give you such as: they fell into sin, they didn’t receive correction, they weren’t teachable, or they had a bad heart and didn’t want to be disciples? Openness and transparency are important; spiritual leadership is about training, NOT controlling. Nowhere in Scripture does God give any human dominion over any other. 
Are you told that you must be with their church or group to be saved and not by Jesus Christ? Anything other than salvation through Jesus Christ is a lie.
Are you being told there is no other church that practices truth, or they will go to hell for even attending that church? A church that recognizes itself as merely one part of the entire Body of Christ will do things such as visit other local churches in support, attend their special programs, and financially support other ministries and pray for the local churches. Such church groups will even minister to Members of other congregations who visit them in need of deliverance and healing. Look for that kind of openness to the Spirit's leading in your group.
Are you made to feel your failures, that your performance is not up to par for the Bible's standard? If so, have you been made comfortable enough to share those feelings? Have you ever been shamed or seen anyone shunned?
Are you being rebuked for things such as the way you say hello or how you respond to being asked to do something, or are you feeling so loved and accepted you are willing to learn from the example of others?
Do they sometimes use people as examples of what you should be doing? There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ. Big difference between speaking the truth in love and making you feel "lower than a snake's belly."
Do they call those who leave the group "fall aways", "backsliders" and "enemies," or  "dogs returning to their vomit," using the examples of Korah or Judas?
Do they recommend for you to be around THEIR people expecting you to be at all the group activities? If not, are your spirituality and dedication questioned? We should trust that everyone is exactly where Father wants them to be at any given moment. Our steps really are ordered by the Lord.
Do they defend all they do even though it can be harmful or wrong? Or are they open to correction and teachable, recognizing the Holy Spirit can work through anyone He chooses?
Do they operate by humility or are they arrogant and demand you to obey? Or is it done subtly by manipulating you into obeying with statements such as, "real Christians obey their leaders" or "if you were following Jesus you would see what I’m saying is right; true disciples did not question Jesus"?
Beware the "love bomb." When I walked in late to that cult's service on that first visit, about 100 people literally stopped the service to bombard us with handshakes, hugs, and comments such as "We prayed you would be here today." Watch out for people telling you how talented you are and saying you can really go places (true as that may be, flattery goes a long way in cults).
An instant bonding of friendship without your knowing who they are or them really knowing you, they instantly act like your best friend. My "discipler" called me or dropped by every day to tell me he was thinking about me, that he loved me, or to pray for me. 
When you ask questions about their history or the group, they are vague in their answers or avoid answering them (not answering or postponing it makes it go away).  I prayed God would reveal to me if I was in the right place. I even said as I prayed, "Lord, this feels too much like Amway!" In time, we were visited by two ministers who heard we'd gotten involved. What impressed me most was how far they traveled, solely out of their concern. I did my due diligence, contacting a local Christian radio station and was mailed a ton of information on that group. I even called my Discipler to warn him but he wouldn't hear of it. No one in a cult would admit to being so gullible. Yet, contrary to what many believe, most cult Members are VERY intelligent people; they're seeking truth, often disillusioned with traditional religions or Christian denominations.
Are you required to attend studies, required to win souls, required to do anything that will indoctrinate you into "Group Think" and "Group Speak"? Again, is the motivation simply LOVE by introducing others to Christ in you?
Are they emphasizing their church and who they are, more than Jesus and the Kingdom of God? They teach that one can only be a Christian by joining them (exclusive spirituality appeals to our pride and works well these days)?
Cults will always divide the family unit instead of bringing them together. They will even make you choose between God and their church. They use scriptures such as "Jesus came to bring a sword, not peace" or "one must give up brothers, sisters, wife and house for the kingdom" and be a true follower Children often become the most hurt because of strict rules enforced on them. Religious systems that are not balanced can be socially and psychologically disastrous for innocent children who are part of such groups.
If you feel uncomfortable about joining a group after visiting, tell them you're simply not interested and do not put up with their badgering and phone calls. Tell them you want time to think about what they are teaching before you become committed to their group. If they pressure you for attendance or continuing in their studies then you know this is not something good. When an attorney from our previous church heard we were wanting to leave, he wrote the cult group a letter and they dropped communications immediately. Seems the group has been sued many times. That attorney's concern for us - people he'd never even met - really impressed me.
If you are already a member of a group that meets the criteria spelled-out here, leave sooner rather than later because it doesn’t get easier to leave later on, especially if you've introduced friends and relatives to the group.
You have every right  to ask questions, lots of them in fact. After leaving that group, I have been invited twice by friends to listen to speakers in their neighborhood in two other towns. I was raising my hand, asking questions, and one could feel the tangible spiritual clash in the room. No one else joined on either night.                    
What is the history of their founders as well as those the group looks up to for spiritual teaching. What books influenced them or what do they read?
What is their doctrine and basic beliefs? 
Can you review their revenues? Are they open about how they spend their money? Are peoples finances monitored and do they review who gives what and how much?
Give yourself some time if you're seeking to know God or looking for a church he will give you warnings and lead you. I often say, if you cannot observe lives being radically changed as a result of being part of that group, don't join! Don’t ignore the warning signs or spiritual checks on how they conduct themselves no matter how friendly the people are. Love and emotional attachments are an old ruse to have you accepted without any strings attached. This doesn’t last long. Ask what they do on their spare time. Many times one's talent and creativity is smothered as all their time goes toward the group or church. 
Ron Rhodes writes in his book "The Culting of America," "It is a common myth that unbelievers join Cults." Percentages show that those who join these aberrant groups formerly attended Christian Churches.
Dr. Paul Martin of Wellspring Retreat (where cultists adjust from their harmful experiences) writes, "Twenty-five percent formerly attended evangelical, fundamental churches. Over 40 % had backgrounds in large, more liberal Protestant denominations."
Lately the International Churches of Christ probably have the greatest percentage of Church converts. Their main goal is to go into the Christian Churches and remove people. This was the group we had joined.
There are 2 categories of cults: one is doctrinally the other is sociologically.
1. Almost all cults tend to deny the Apostles creed. They have tendency to pronounce other groups as apostate and they alone have the truth.
3. They devalue or deny the deity of Christ.
4. They have extra sources of biblical revelation. They may use God's Word with something else to interpret it
5. They have salvation by works - either denying God's grace or adding performance. It will not always be easy to spot. 
6. They will deny a major doctrine. Cult-like groups take a minor doctrine and make it a major. Ex: you must speak in tongues to be saved.

The following are basic patterns, or characteristics, found in almost all cults that one can easily identify.
Add - Cults add to the Word of God by having additional writings they call Scripture, or by saying that only the Bible is God's Word but you cannot understand it without their interpretation from their own teachers or books. The Bible may be discouraged to be read alone.
Subtract - Cults subtract from the Person of Jesus by saying he is something less than Eternal Deity, or they will add their own teacher as deity. 
Multiply - Every false religion has works as part of their system of salvation. They also usually specify what works must be performed at a certain level for acceptance to their group and God.
Divide - Cults have people choose by dividing a person's loyalty. It's God through their leadership by claiming to be the only Spokesman or group for God. They also require obedience to their leadership to be in right standing with God. They do not tolerate another’s differing opinions and it is looked upon as being divisive or of the enemy.
Mediators- They will always have others involved for one's salvation. For the International Churches of Christ I was a part of, it was my Discipler.

I hope this information will help you to either spot the cults, or discern whether or not you've joined one. If you find you are becoming cultish, talk about it, ask questions in an open and honest fashion. Seek guidance and grace from Father to help you avoid these tendencies to desire control and legalism.

Remember this: Nowhere in Scripture does the Lord give any man dominion over any other man.

Every blessing,
Michael Tummillo

Monday, September 23, 2013

Why do YOU need 
The 5 Love Languages 

One husband said, "I mow the grass every Saturday after I wash the car. I vacuum every Thursday night. I do the dishes at least four nights a week. I help her with the laundry. I do all this and she says she 'doesn't feel loved." I don't know what else to do.
Her response was, "He's right. He's a hard working man." Then she began to cry and said, "But we never talk. We haven't talked in thirty years." She is dying for 'Quality Time' while he is speaking 'Acts of Service.'
He may as well have been speaking French to a Russian and vice versa. They were NOT speaking each other's Love language. Most couples don't.
I asked a couple how they would grade their relationship on a scale of 1 to 10, ten being the highest. She rolled her eyes when she heard him answer, proudly, "We're a TEN!" She looked at me and said, "I think it's more like a two." She may have been speaking HIS language but her tank was near empty.
Please commit to joining us for the upcoming twogether in TEXAS Marriage/Relationship Encounter (MRE). It's fun and it's all about YOU! 
(TIP:Guys, ladies LOVE this kind of thing... you'll enjoy it, too!)
If your marriage could benefit exponentially from your participation in a 1/2 day seminar, would you take part?

WHO: You and your significant other

WHAT: Marriage/Relational Enrichment gathering centered around Gary Chapman's book "The 5 Love Languages." 

WHERE: Vanderbilt Place, 614 N. Clinton, Stephenville, TX

WHEN: Saturday Nov 9th, 9am till 1PM

WHY: Because this nation is only as strong as The Church and The Church is only as strong as its families.

-Six couples and a single lady have already RSVP'd (it only takes ONE committed partner to turn things around). 
-Seating is limited to the first 20 to respond! 
-PLEASE let us hear from you so we know how many to prepare for. 
-Plan on joining us for lunch at Mi Familia's Mexican Restaurant afterward!

Let us hear from you! Nothing else could be THIS important for you both. 

Hit REPLY and type 
"I DO" in your SUBJECT BAR!

Every blessing,
Michael & Barbara Tummillo

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Tale of a Repentant Soul-Winner

Millions of people who consider themselves Believers in Jesus have been saddled with guilt and a feeling of inferiority because they aren't quite the "soul-winner" they feel pressured into being. I used to rent a room with two devout German women who, on a sunny Sunday afternoon, ashamedly confessed to me they had never prayed a prayer of salvation with anybody in all their lives. So, we immediately went out knocking on doors and, within a few hours, had gotten 17 people on our street to pray that prayer. 

Others folks are in bondage to the notion that "soul-winning" has been relegated to the "professional" Christian, the ministers and the evangelists. These folks may toss a bit of money in the collection plate in order to keep things moving along smoothly, they presume, never coming to the realization that it shouldn't take so many millions of dollars per soul when the early Church, and the persecuted Church today, have and are doing it at little or no cost per soul won. 

Twenty-some years ago, I was a Soul-Winner First Class. I was tossing Gospel tracts in open car windows, placing them in vacuum tubes at the bank, placing them in garments on the clothes at the mall, mailing them to strangers out of the phone book. I was a Saturday door-knocker, one day leading 89 people in the Salvation Prayer. My example came not from Jesus or Paul, but from Charles Finney - the most famous revivalist of America's 2nd Great Awakening. Finney was responsible for what we now refer to as "the altar call" (he called it 'the anxious bench') and the "Sinner's Prayer." He was my idol, having single-handedly prayed the Sinner's Prayer with 50,000 people in a single week at his meetings. 

But something happened. As I studied about Finney, I came to realize that he eventually repented of his techniques, though still being utilized today, because he saw so little fruit coming from those who had responded to his emotional appeal to pray the prayer. For all the good things Finney accomplished in his life, especially with women's equality issues and resisting slavery, I don't believe soul-winning was his greatest contribution, neither did many ministers of his day.

So, I began to ask Father to break my heart for people, cause me to love them and see them as HE sees them. One night, after feeling led to get out of bed and anoint my own head with oil, as soon as I returned to bed, He showed me a black and white vision on the wall. I saw lonely, hurting, desperate people, one after the other, all races and creeds, ages, shapes and sizes, I wept. I got out of bed, washed my face and the "movie" started all over again.

I refer to this as the night of my "heart surgery" - the night God replaced my stoney heart with a heart of flesh.

Additional revelation came to me as a Halloween "Hell House" gathering where I served as a "Prayer Counselor." It became apparent to me how so many churches were merely "punching tickets" to Heaven when a young Mormon girl said to me, "Can we hurry it up? My mom is waiting for me so, let's just say that prayer so I can go." What?!! On the second night, I recall a tall, bearded man and his family impatiently waiting, finally ordering them, "Let's go!" as they robotically turned around and left. Later that night, I noticed a teen boy I had prayed with the previous night, back again, praying with someone else. The Billy Graham ministry has kept great records of those who have responded to their altar calls and have concluded there are many people who walk the aisle again and again over the years. Apparently, it doesn't always "take."

Jesus said we will know them by their fruit. As a Workplace Chaplain who has too often fended off the "Separation of Church 'n State" objection to what I do, I'm convinced it is the love of God "shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost," (Romans 5:5) that will turn us from Thermometer Believers into Thermostats, setting the temperature and changing the environment rather than merely fitting in. If we belonged to a group of people from varying denominations and religions, including Satanists and atheists, all working for the same company, I am convinced it is God's love and compassion in operation THROUGH us IN THE WORKPLACE that would have the greatest impact on our co-workers. Some of them would, literally, become jealous of what we have found in Jesus and desire to know Him more deeply.

Instead, we either say nothing, minding our own business, quietly exchanging time for money, or we try our hand at breakroom conversions, attempting to argue our way into a conversion. We call it "defending the faith" or "apologetics." We may even attempt to invite them to church so the "professional" ministers can convert them. There's an old expression that goes like this: "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." When a coworker is sick, who rallies the staff to provide meals? If they're injured and can't work, who spearheads a collection for them? If they're in the hospital or in jail, who visits them? If all the Believers in Jesus are sharing gifts, who will remember them with a card or gift? 

If those who claim to follow Jesus aren't sensitive to the needs of those with whom they spend up to 70% of their lives, who will be? Better yet, who will shame us by doing that which The Church overlooks? I'll always remember, in the early days of my online ministry, hearing from a pagan whose mother was an Anglican in Great Britain. When she was ill, the gang down at the pub sent flowers and cards to her hospital room. Her church "family" paid her no attention at all while witches and pagans blessed her. He wanted nothing to do with Christianity.

I can't say that I blame him.

In many years of Relational Counseling, I have used the Gary Chapman teaching called "The 5 Love Languages" and have seen many relationships salvaged and strengthened. I'm convinced that, by speaking the proper "Love Language," we are most likely to win over the mind, the will and the emotions (that is, the Soul) of another. Proverbs 11:30 tell us, "He who wins souls is wise." I don't believe this has a thing to do with praying a Sinner's Prayer, especially considering when it was penned.

These days, I am more apt to encourage people to strive to deepen their relationship with their Creator - nurture a Relationship - than I am to persuade them to repeat a prayer, nothing more than a Religious routine. If you, or anyone you know, has been feeling condemned for their lack of Evangelical Soul-Winning, be thou loosed! Instead, make it your goal to flesh-out all the one another" verses of Scripture, especially all that "love one another" stuff.

How will they know Jesus? Through us, His followers. 

How will they experience His love and kindness? Same way. 

How will anyone encounter the living Christ? Jesus said, "When we've seen Him we've seen the Father." Well, when they see you and me, shouldn't they see Jesus?

Do they?

No matter how "Good" we are, good is the enemy of best. Let's resist the urge to compare ourselves with ourselves. Jesus is our standard, after all.

Every blessing,
Michael Tummillo
Founder, The Church at Work

Monday, September 9, 2013

Playing in Satan's backyard

Ah, it's football season again. Happy, happy, happy! 

When I was in high school in El Paso, Texas, our football team took on a Texas powerhouse called Permian High School in Odessa, Texas. A book was written about this legendary team called "Friday Night Lights" which later inspired a TV series by that same name. We'd heard all the stories, the eerie silence in a town where virtually every citizen attended the games and would chant "Mojo...Mojo...Mojo" in a rising crescendo. At least, that's what we were told by our coaches. As it turned out, a mysterious, thick fog rolled in during that game, reducing visibility to a mere 5 yards. The fans could barely see the players who could barely see one another. Our team scored when a defensive lineman picked up a fumble before it hit the ground and ran about 80 yards for our only touchdown, undetected because of the fog. We lost by one touchdown. Not bad against a legend.

On another occasion, we played the Alamogordo, New Mexico team, #1 in the state. In a cold drizzle, we wound up losing by a touchdown but only because, according to Texas High School rules, a fumble that hit the grass could not be advanced. Not so on New Mexico gridirons. So, when we fumbled the ball, our opponents instinctively scooped it up and headed to the end zone. Bummer.

It was Homecoming, my Senior year. An El Paso team called the Eastwood Troopers were headed to our home turf, a team that would later win the District Championship. Now, usually, a Homecoming game is played against a weaker team so the home school could celebrate with a victory. But here came the Troopers. Frankly, they were stunned while, as I recall, we were giddy with excitement. We played well beyond our usual enthusiasm, outscoring them 14-0 at the half. They tied the game by scoring in the third and fourth quarters but we scored again in the fourth. We missed the extra point but held on for the victory, 20-14. What a game!

So, what do theses "Glory Days" stories have to do with Satan's backyard? Simply put, as Followers of Christ, we are strangers in a strange land. We are aliens. We are not from here for we are citizens of Heaven and should never attempt to get too friendly with the stuff of planet earth. We are on the earth, be we are not of it. 

You, too, will make some memories while you're hear - good ones and bad ones - but life in these "earthsuits" is not "IT" for you. So, don't hold on too tightly. Certainly, you don't want to live in the past, nor do you want to live vicariously through the success of others, such as, say, a high school athlete. Heaven and earth WILL pass away, but God's Word will never pass away. "Dust in the wind," as the old song says.

How are you spending your limited time here? Where, with whom, doing what? Have you embraced your Kingdom purpose, doing what you do from a Kingdom perspective and with a Kingdom motivation? God wants us all in the game, advancing the cause of Christ with every opportunity that presents itself. You ARE on Satan's turf every second of every day. Get in your licks while you can and do NOT go quietly. 

Bear in mind, there are times we have no business playing in Satan's backyard. Especially if he has a really big dog who has every right to be there and knows it. I'm reminded of the seven sons of Sceva who tried to cast a demon out and wound up being tossed out naked and bleeding. 

I wonder, when the dust has settled on this life, if we who tangled with demons will sit around sharing our stories of spiritual warfare on earth, making a mockery of our demonic enemies? I hope so.

Every blessing,
Michael Tummillo
Founder, The Church @ Work

Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Wisdom of Accountability

Regardless of how old we are, when we haven't grasped the Wisdom of making one's self accountable to others, too often, we set ourselves up for shame, disgrace, heartbreak and worse.

For many years, I have embraced the habit of making myself accountable, perhaps to an extreme, but I don't believe that's actually possible, especially in these last and evil days. I actually WANT to make it known when I'm leaving, when I've arrived and when I'm headed home. Though my wife has never required that from me, I insist upon it. She's embraced the habit, too. In fact, when I have an eMail exchange with another woman, I am quick to "CC" my bride, too. This is my own personal conviction and it brings great peace to my life and serves to strengthen my relationship with my wife. For many years, I have made it my habit to either invite my wife to lunch if I were dining with a female, or somehow making it known who I'd be with, where and when. 

Have I always been this way? No! Though I am not about to expose my past sins, suffice it to say, I reaped as I sowed during those moments of deceptive "freedom" and the result was always painfully unnecessary and totally unfavorable, though it looked good at the time, I assure you. Yes, God's a Redeemer and has made beauty out of ashes on my behalf many times, but it was the sabotaging of my own life that has caused me the greatest unnecessary pain. I'm certain many would agree to similar experiences.

Jeremiah 17:9 "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?"

Far too often, from well-meaning loved ones, and even ministers, I have heard the expression, "Just follow your heart!' Don't do it! BAD ADVICE! The heart always seems to seek after its own comfort and will choose the path of least resistance every time. We must resist the tendency to live our lives based upon emotions and that which makes us feel good or in control. 

On a personal level, I know what it's like to CHOOSE to remain accountable and flourish, and I also know what it's like to take advantage of my lack of accountability and do as I pleased, thinking I was free and enjoying life at the time. That "freedom" got me into trouble at times, producing long-lasting consequences for my own bone-headed mistakes. What I had defined as "fun" was little more than folly. 

Don't be led by your hearts. Instead, be led by the Spirit.

Acts 2:42 "And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers."

1) The Apostles' teaching? Yes, those sent into our lives to teach us. 

2) Fellowship? This refers to the gathering of The Church. The 'called out ones.' The Ekklesia. Two or three gathered in Jesus' Name.

3) The Breaking of Bread? Communion with God and with each other at our Love Feasts. 

4) Prayers? Prayer breeds intimacy with those we pray WITH, those we pray FOR and the One we pray TO. So, be careful who you pray with, but DO pray always and often.

By doing these four things, choosing to remain accountable to each other, we will become a stronger, more engaged and productive Church.

1 Thessalonians 5:11 "...encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing."

There are over fifty "one another" verses in the New Testament. The only way we can help each other, encourage one another, submit to one another, love one another, etc, is by remaining accountable to each other first. A prowling lion will go for the easiest target, those who have separated themselves from the herd. The old, weak, young and foolish will often stray from the rest. 

Are YOU making yourself accountable to anyone else? I believe every Follower of Christ should have a Paul, a Barnabas and a Timothy in their lives, someone they can learn FROM, someone they can grow WITH and someone they can TEACH. Not a bad way to live!

I hope that helps you. Please FORWARD this message to anyone you know who would benefit from increased accountability in their lives.

Every blessing,

Michael Tummillo

Founder, The Church @ Work

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Doctrines of Destruction and Division

There are three doctrines referred to in Scripture: (1) The doctrine of devils, (2) the doctrine of man, and (3) the doctrine of Christ and of God. When each of us examines the doctrine of our own religious group, have we ever asked the question - or do we ask it enough - from whence does this teaching come? My contention is this: if those who consider themselves to be Followers of Christ would flesh out their faith by only doing that which Jesus exemplified in the Holy Bible (after all, He said He came as our example), making it their mission to fulfill the 59 "one another" verses of the New Testament, well... the world would, literally, be a much better place. 

There was a time when I might have been considered a "Special Forces" Soul Winner in the Lord's Army. I was a heat-seeking missile, ready to lead any unsuspecting bystander in a sinner's Prayer at the drop of a hat... and I carried a stack of hats! I kept a running tally of the number of people whom I led in such a profession of faith. I knocked on doors every Saturday for two years straight, no matter the weather, leading folks down "the Roman Road," as we called it. I worked in "Hell Houses" at churches during Halloween. I'd often don a Christian T-Shirt and place my Bible near my front door, prepared to ambush any unsuspecting Jehovah's Witness or Mormon missionary. I was a model of soul-winning in the large church I attended.

Then, I repented. In other words, I changed my mind.

I began to question where this soul-winning procedure came from, asking the tough questions such as, "Is this even biblical?" and "Did Jesus or Paul teach this or model it?" Charles Finney was the greatest proponent of the "soul-winning" technique and even HE repented of it.

These days. I prefer letting the love of God shine through me, thereby attracting people and causing them to be drawn to me, asking questions, and establishing their own legitimate relationship with the Father as opposed to "getting their ticket punched" through some manmade, religious, unscriptural technique. When we embrace the concept of "preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom" versus the extra-biblical "Gospel of Salvation," it's easy to see why the church is so big yet so powerless.

I can't imagine who wouldn't enjoy being part of a church, or a Religion, in which the house rules included: love one another, prefer one another, submit to one another, encourage one another, pray for one another, forgive one another, be kind and compassionate to one another, live in harmony with one another, offer hospitality to one another, serve one another, spur one another on toward love and good deeds, teach one another, etc.

Let's say you discovered, or have affiliation with, such a group. Everything was moving along swimmingly until, one day, someone decided, because the group was growing, "We'd better get organized!" Slowly, additional rules are introduced. Bylaws are written. Despite their best intentions, the need for governing these people enters in and with that, new rules. No longer are the "one another's" and the desire to follow the example of Jesus, seen as being sufficient. Some of the new rules are obviously manmade, intended for crowd control. However, other rules are embraced for which there is absolutely no biblical support. Some are even in direct opposition to Christ's teachings. In time, out of your wonderful "One Another" group, another denomination is established as "church as usual" evolves.

Folks, for any couple, any family, any church, love and unity produce power. Frankly, without power, we are wasting space, time, and resources, forcing ourselves to settle for meaningless religiosity instead. It makes so much logical sense to me that, if all who claim to be Followers of Jesus were to do ONLY that which He did as recorded in Scripture, as well as what His disciples did, in so doing, even the most ruthless editing of one's doctrinal positions could produce a loving, more unified Body of Christ, the kind outsiders would find more attractive.

How's this working for us? It's not! In fact, if the Body of Christ were a business, we'd be bankrupt. I believe we would having nothing to lose by, with a warfare mentality, developing a new strategy, in summits across the land, if many mainline churches would gather and start pruning their doctrine in an effort to teach only what Jesus taught, abandoning anything that doesn't qualify as a "one another" directive, well... we would be no worse off than we are.

I'm childish enough in my faith to believe this. How about you?

Every blessing,
Michael Tummillo
Founder, The Church @ Work

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The most important thing we should stockpile.

Before you read another word, I want you to know this: I am NOT 

fear mongering here. If folks don't come to grips with the realities 

that are NOT being reported, they'll be missing the wake-up call 

regarding the serious situation we're facing here on earth. Granted, 

we are being bombarded by negative, even life-threatening 

information on many fronts these days. Sadly, the vast multitudes 

remain oblivious to the truth. it can be overwhelming how many 

ways we're being attacked, but we MUST remain aware of our 

surroundings so we can prepare accordingly.

I've been known to say, "Don't be scared; be PREPARED!" Having been deployed as a Chaplain to such disaster-stricken areas as Moore, Oklahoma (tornado) and West, Texas (plant explosion), I've seen, firsthand, the devastation that results from such catastrophes. I've also witnessed the tears of many who, with great shame, confessed to their own lack of preparedness while others gleefully, proudly shared about their own personal readiness.

Personally, I'm all for encouraging folks to get prepared for tough times. Whether it's a manmade or natural disaster - a broken water main, an EMP, a nuke attack, a flood, a tornado, a HazMat spill from a train - even the children of Israel brought enough food to last them a few days when they fled Egypt with Almighty God providing all other needs along the journey. I see nothing wrong with having some survival basics such as additional food, water, batteries, a knife and a hand-cranked weather radio. Matter of fact, as Followers of Jesus, why not aim for having enough to care for your family and, at least, one other household? As I see it, there's nothing wrong with unleashing the Spirit of Joseph and gathering enough food to feed many besides ourselves. What a wonderful way to express the love and providence of God during hard times! 

As the days get darker, I'm concerned many "Preppers" will not find their preparation adequate for the worst of times. What happens when that last round is fired or bartered away? What happens when the last of the freeze-dried food is gone? What happens when there's no more drinkable water or the tent gets stolen? Point is, there may come a time when all the prepping one could possibly do comes to an abrupt end. 

Now what?

The prepping I'm most concerned with - the one we should ALL be most concerned with - is Spiritual Preparation, not only because it will get you through the next unforeseen disaster, but it will also help you weather the everyday storms of life... sickness, divorce, death, economic upheavals, things like that. So many things can usher in the end of the world as we've known it. Changes can come in an instant. A dear friend wrote recently to request prayer for a little boy who was attacked by grandma's pit bull and had his ear ripped off. Who could have planned for that?

Can you tell "something" is somehow different in the world lately? Geopolitically, geophysically, anomalies are on the increase. A few years before the Gulf War, David Wilkerson, of "The Cross and the Switchblade" fame, was given a vision of 500 fires burning uncontrollably in the Middle East. After the war, there were exactly 503 oil wells left burning in Kuwait at the hands of Saddam Hussein's troops. As a result of that, and many other accurate warnings, lots of folks started listening whenever Wilkerson spoke. Before his death, he was also given a vision of New York city ablaze with riots, looting, bloodshed, tanks and armed troops in the streets. 

I, too, have been given a similar vision. I was sitting at a stop light the day of Obama's first inauguration. I saw it like it was happening right before my eyes. I can still see the faces and colors vividly. A month before 9-11, I wrote an article in which I said, "Something is coming that will bring our billion wheels to a screeching halt." Something like that. After 9-11, I was asked if the WTC attack was what I was referring to. No. In my heart, I knew this: That disaster simply wasn't big enough. 

We can spiritually prepare for upcoming calamities by establishing and maintaining a strong personal relationship with Jesus Himself. Notice I didn't say we need a relationship with a Religion, or a Denomination. Jesus is real and we must get to know Him intimately through Prayer (a 2-way conversation, incidentally), Bible Study (study, NOT reading a spiritual thought for the day), and fellowship with others who know Him well and model His teachings. That is how our trust in Him will grow. We are admonished to "Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ," 2 Peter 3:18.

Since Jesus said He is the Bread of Life. He was even born in Bethlehem, a word that means "House of Bread." Therefore, we must partake of Him - not in some sort of religious ceremony, but by feeding our soul with His promises from Scripture, subsisting on an intimate diet of Jesus and MORE Jesus, strengthening our Spirit by digesting His Word daily and hiding it deep within our heart. Feast upon Him now and stockpile Him, just as the Israelites feasted on the lamb that was slain.

While I'm a strong advocate for every car having in its trunk a Bug-Out Bag, we must remember to carry with us our faith and trust in our God. As we relinquish control of everything, we can trust our lives, our families and our future to Him.

Many years ago, while reading Voice of the Martyrs, I would weep as I read about the Persecuted Church. I had no idea there really are Followers of Christ who would relish the privilege of being arrested for sharing their faith because imprisonment assured them of daily interaction with people who needed Jesus. Unlike myself, they weren't Chaplains who merely visited the incarcerated. 

Are dark days coming to America? Will the result of some 3-letter agency spying on our eMail and Facebook entries lead to incarceration in a FEMA camp somewhere? Will people who are zealous in their support of the Constitution find themselves at war with a tyrannical government?

When it comes to preparing for the worst, the best we can do is put our trust in God. As for me, I'm not going quietly. I have decided to make all the difference I can for His Kingdom's sake, so long as I have breath in my body. As these days become 'gloriously darker,' it will take less light to illuminate our environments. If we, as Followers of Jesus, can't have a calming effect on a world gone mad, who will? Don't we want to be the one with food, water, first aid and communications when no one else has any? By sharing what God has given us, the masses will beat a path to our door. What an opportunity to share the love of God when they arrive!

As these days grow increasingly darker, rest assured, as Jesus warned us in John 9:4, "The hour is coming when no man can work." With that in mind, let's get busy!

BTW, if you're interested in acquiring bulk food, you might appreciate this website. Make sure you request their free catalogue. CLICK HERE

Blessings and peace to you and yours,
Michael Tummillo
Founder, The Church @ Work