Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Churches in Austin, Texas REALLY have their act together.

Leaders from all over the nation are making their way to the State Capital to learn how and why Austin is so Disaster Ready.

How about YOUR community?

Please click the logo below.

Can you imagine local Law Enforcement and Emergency Personnel having at their disposal an Army of TRAINED UNIFORMED Volunteers who have ALL been BACKGROUND CHECKED, instead of a bunch of well-meaning souls who've had NO Training, pouring into a disaster site, often doing more harm than good?

Can you imagine every Member of your church having a sack of beans, a sack of rice and a gallon of water in their possession - aside from their own disaster preparation stash - ready to bring to an Incident Staging Area in the event of a disaster?

Can you imagine an organized, trained, mobilized, unified local Church?

As disasters are on the increase, can you imagine an Army of Ready Christians, advancing the Kingdom through a Ministry of Disaster Preparedness? Like Noah, Joseph, John the Baptist and more, "being prepared" has always been part of God's plan for His people

I am certified through ADRN in Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) and have just begun their HAM Radio course. ADRN offers additional disaster Preparation courses, too. Why not send a team of like-minded people from YOUR congregation? No one is too young or too old. There's something EVERYONE can be trained to do, regardless of limitations. The #1 job description is this: Love One Another!

Click the ADRN logo below for a 2-minute, 38-second YouTube video. For more information on upcoming training, CLICK HERE for the ADRN website.

The call to serve is the call to PREPARE!

If 150 Austin churches (and growing) can do this, so can WE!

Please FORWARD this message to YOUR Church Leaders!

Every blessing,
Mike Tummillo

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