Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Cancer: just another name for DEATH!

Cancer: just another name for DEATH!

I'm getting sick of this! Every time I turn around, I'm hearing reports of someone else I know getting diagnosed with cancer.

Grrrrrr! I'm ready to hurt somebody... Satan, that is!

Over the last 30 years, cancer rates have increased. The toxins in our food, air and water, the EMP's, smart meters on our homes, cell towers and cell phones, HAARP, nanotechnology, RFIDs... these things are breaking down our immune systems and cancers cells are increasing. 

Go to or Google "alternative therapies" and you will learn more about juicing and essential oils and other techniques and therapies for promoting healing. Incidentally, Dr. Max Gerson's secretaries were paid to gradually poison him. When he discovered the plot, he began healing himself with a new diet and, today, his daughter, Charlotte, is carrying the torch for him. While here in the U.S., people are being pumped with drugs and chemo in an effort to "cure" cancer, in Mexico, cancer is being cured with pure juices. What's up with that? The FDA has become increasingly frightened of these alternatives but who cares... there are cancer cures already in existence, folks. I'd like to talk about my favorite.

Today, I spoke with a man to whom I had ministered healing back in March. We were having lunch back then when he told me he was dying and was in the final stages of leukemia. The Lord led me to lay hands on him and minister to him. Upon his next doctor's visit, he was declared healed by his physician. He's still doing great (of course) and he's telling everybody he can that Jesus still heals the sick.

Earlier today, a woman who was in need of a liver transplant - a long-tme friend for whom my church had been praying for and even sent her a Prayer Cloth - reported two things: 1) she was on the list to receive a new liver and 2) she wasn't sick enough to need one! 

Speaking of Prayer Cloths, nearly ten years ago, we heard about a 5-year old girl in Michigan who had been diagnosed with leukemia. Our church laid hands on and anointed a blanket and sent it to her. She was healed and is still alive and well today.

After a car accident, a young man fell into a coma. We ministered healing to him in his nursing home bed. Today, he's married with children. 

People once in a hospital's ICU unit are now dong great. Injuries have been healed. Breast cancers have disappeared. Animals have been healed after receiving healing ministry, too (yes, God's an animal lover!). I cannot forget the elderly people on their death beds who have died soon after receiving ministry, passing into the most complete state of healing imaginable, eternal life!

We serve an incredible powerful God - a loving Father - who still does stuff. Our relationship with Him can be merely about religious services and Bible memorization, or it can be a living, active, exciting relationship where the same Holy Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead ministers the love of God through you and with you as His willing vessel. 

Remember, Jesus never instructed those who follow would Him to merely "pray" for people. No, He commanded us to HEAL them! It takes faith, folks. If you're ready to do "the stuff" Jesus said His Followers would do, talk to Him about it and request those Divine appointments in your life. Trust me, He'll arrange them for you! Listen, Divine Healing is only difficult when you start believing you have anything to do with it (besides being available, that is).

Are you available? If so, be prepared for your faith to take on an entirely NEW dimension!

Do you know anyone with cancer? 

Do you know anyone who KNOWS anyone with cancer? 

Do you know any Followers of Jesus who might be interested in healing the sick? 

If you answered 'yes' to any of those, FORWARD this message!

Every blessing,
Michael Tummillo
Founder, The Church @ Work

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