Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Big Brother really IS watching you... His Name is JESUS!

Lately, as Whistleblowers are exposing the government's efforts to "spy" on its citizens, "data-mining," as they call it, many are being reminded of "Big Brother" from Orwell's classic novel, "1984." Seems we can't make a move without the prying eyes of the Nanny State minding our business, seemingly on a mission to catch us doing something deemed as being wrong.

When I was a kid, I used to picture God with a long white beard, baseball bat in-hand, waiting for just the right moment to smack me into submission. I would even pray for forgiveness in advance, in case I rolled over in my sleep and pointed my bottom toward Heaven! 

I am NOT kidding! 

I refer to this as a demonic fear of the Lord. Perhaps it stemmed from the nursery rhyme about the Li'l Ol' Lady who lived in a shoe with an army of rug rats, who "whipped them all soundly and sent them to bed." Who knows?

As the years progressed, I came to understand the unmerited favor and unconditional love of God and that quivering fear morphed into a loving Father-Son relationship as I came to understand more thoroughly the work of the cross. Because of Jesus, I am the righteousness of God (I'm in right-standing with Him) and my sins have been made white as snow. This truth causes me love the Lord more and more all the time. 

Introducing the Brotherhood of Man to the Fatherhood of God has become a passion for me. I've learned that can be accomplished only by introducing others to Christ in me, the Hope of Glory. My mission has become this: loving others by introducing them to God's love personified, Jesus Christ, shining through me. 

Jesus said He came as an example. To me, that means of everything He did or experienced, good, bad, glorious and miraculous, we should expect nothing less. He is our older brother, according to Hebrews 2:11 (NLT) which says, "Jesus and the ones He makes holy have the same Father. That is why Jesus is not ashamed to call them His brothers and sisters." 

Our older brother Jesus has been here and done that. Among other things... 

-He lived in an occupied nation ruled by a tyrannical government. 

-He lived in primitive and unsanitary conditions. 

-His dad was a laborer and Jesus spent most of His life learning a trade He would never get to use. 

-He knows what it's like to get tempted (Matthew 4). 

-He faced opposition to His ministry, false accusations, and betrayal and desertion by His friends. 

-He defeated the neighborhood bully (Satan) for the sake of His younger siblings (you and me).

Jesus said "I am with you always..." and "I will never leave or forsake you." When so many people are so concerned about "Big Brother" watching us, truth is, our Big Brother, Jesus, is actually watching out FOR us.

Be encouraged!

Every blessing,
Michael Tummillo 
Founder, The Church @ Work

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