Tuesday, July 23, 2013

What do you want from God?

Most people set their sights surprisingly low when it comes to what they believe they can expect from God. If all of humanity were lined up at God's throne, each holding a cup so He could fill it with a blessing, would the idea of approaching Him while driving a tanker truck even occur to most of us? 

It would me! Not because I'm greedy and lusting for more stuff (my wife kids me because I so rarely buy anything for myself), but because I have grown to understand: (A) that I have been made worthy of everything God would give Jesus Himself because of His sacrifice and (B) I am a Kingdom-minded man, understanding the cause of Christ, the mission He has given each of us and the tools He's provided with which to start building.

Many Followers of Jesus would piously say things like, "I am not worthy." Frankly, to declare such a thing is to say to Jesus, "Sorry, Lord, but that bloody crucifixion simply was NOT good enough for me. Try again." 

Understand this: You are worthy because the Blood of Jesus MADE you worthy. "Christ never sinned but God put our sin on Him. Then we are made right with God because of what Christ has done for us," 1 Cor 5:21. Get that? You are seen as RIGHTEOUS because of what Jesus did on that horrible cross, once, for all, forever. In other words, when God sees you, He see Jesus. He sees an individual with the potential to change a relationship, a home, a business, a community... the world, if only that individual would wrap there mind around their own potential in Christ.

Unfortunately, so many Believers don't believe they really are worthy. Whether it's church attendance, starting a ministry, attending seminary, or even mentioning His Name, over the centuries, vast multitudes have carried with them such a burden of "sin consciousness," they couldn't move. They found themselves in bondage to religious routine, manmade dogmas, traditions of man. They never experienced the joy of working with their Creator to advance the Kingdom on earth. They never reveled in the peace that passes all understanding. They never actually felt the daily blessing of knowing they were sanctified, set-apart for the King's use, favored by Him and 100% worthy to be His priest and king. Instead, masses throughout the ages bore the mantle of being the "red-headed stepchild" (my apologies to any red-headed stepchildren who may be reading this), HOPING they could be "good" enough, spiritual enough, attend church enough times, walk enough old ladies across the street, say enough prayers.

Over the past 15 years, I have been blessed and privileged to have reached millions, by computer, with the messages the Holy Spirit has given me to encourage and empower people across the planet. I'm just me, a guy who loves Jesus and LOVES when He does stuff with me. Even though I type with one finger and hate all-things-high-tech, only He could see my heart's desire and saw fit to use me for this ministry, despite my personal shortcomings. On many occasions I have told Him He's got the wrong guy (especially when He inspires me with a message at 3 am). Over the years, I have come to understand this: "though man looks at the outside, God looks at the heart." That's all He needs is for us to make ourselves available every day and He can to do miracles THROUGH US and WITH US. Newsflash, Lord: "I want the world but you've only given me millions. 'Sup with that?"

So, what's your problem? Do you smoke, drink, look at porn or do drugs? Are you addicted, abusive, lazy? Have you ever cheated on your spouse, even looking lustfully at another person? Are you a tax-cheat? A dead-beat dad? An ex-con? Do you have a critical spirit, anger issues, worry too much, hate going to church? Whatever labels the world puts on you, God calls you His child. He loves you, has a plan for you and is NOT mad at you! For whatever sins you've committed, God would say, "What sin? That was covered by the Blood - now, can we get to work?" He doesn't want you feeling perfect. He just wants you NOW!

Do NOT wait till you "feel" worthy or are on a streak of "being good." I've let Satan mess with my head in that regard... don't play that game! 

What do you want from God? If it's just enough to move up one notch, your concept of God is much too small. Personally, I possess a "never enough" attitude. Why? Because the world needs to know the Father who created them and the Jesus who died for them, the love He desires to show them THROUGH me. I EXPECT God's favor and man's favor, not because of who I am but because of He who lives WITHIN ME.

Just ask Him for more. Don't settle for where you are now or what you've had in the past. Go deeper in your relationship with Jesus. Start right now!

One more thing: please FORWARD this message. Someone you know REALLY needs this message.

Every blessing,
Michael Tummillo
Founder, The Church @ Work

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