Tuesday, December 4, 2012

God is concerned about EVERYTHING concerning you... including your work!

Jesus did most of His ministry in the Marketplace. Since He said He came as an example, that would mean it's our turn to go and do likewise. 


We get so easily distracted. Even when the Spirit gives us the unction to do something spiritual while we're in the workplace - give a word of encouragement, say a prayer, send a card, be a blessing - far too often we're distracted from our Workplace Ministry by deadlines, meetings, office politics, relational issues and gossip. Days turn into weeks and then years and, when we look back, we may have missed dozens of opportunities all year long to advance God's Kingdom and impact lives for the cause of Christ.

I spoke with a woman at a Chamber of Commerce just yesterday. A Christian, after I informed her about my ministry, her response was to thank me for reminding her about her ministry at work.

That's what this message is about today: a Reminder.

If you have a job, you have a ministry. You don't have to preach. Baptizing at the water cooler is not necessary. You are an agent of change; a thermostat, NOT a thermometer. Just as the Ark of the Covenant, carrying the very presence of God, made a world of difference when it was placed on Obed Edom's property (1 Sam 6:1-12), likewise, the presence of God within YOU can make a difference where you work, too. 

You are surrounded on a daily basis by people who have been wounded, rejected, disenfranchised, marginalized, abandoned. They're scared, confused, lonely, wondering if this is all there is to living. Far too many are turning to drugs, alcohol, porn, astrology, one negative relationship or habit after another. 

Folks all around you are seeking Jesus and they don't even know it.

Ok, you've been officially reminded. Now, forward this message to any Christian you know who has a job. Just like the early Church, we, too, can turn our communities upside down. All we have to do is appropriate the power we've already been given (Romans 8:11).

Every blessing,
Michael Tummillo
Founder, The Church @ Work

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