Thursday, December 27, 2012

Do you eat? Turn it into a ministry!

My wife likes to cook. It's a gift and I like to eat her gifts!

She's a tremendous hostess, too. Recently, we were discussing how, this year, we would like to ask people over for what I refer to as a "Meal Ministry."

Bearing in mind we are never NOT The Church...

Bearing in mind the same Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead DWELLS IN US...

Bearing in mind our Father can use every LITTLE thing and turn it into MUCH...

We have already asked two women to join us. One is a single woman with grown children, the other has a baby and a spouse serving time in jail.

The question we must always ask ourselves is, "Is it Biblical?"

LUKE 19:1-1 (Jesus went to the house of Zacchaeus and ate with him and his "sinner" friends.)

MATTHEW 26:6-13 (While eating with Pharisees, a woman who had lived "a sinful life" anointed Him with expensive perfume.)

JOHN 2:1-11 (Jesus' first miracle was at a wedding feast.)

JOHN 13:1-17 (He had a Last Supper with His followers.0

JOHN 21:1-19 (After Peter had denied Jesus three times, Jesus reinstates him over a meal of fresh fish.)

MARK 6:30-44 (On several occasions, as part of His ministry to thousands, Jesus fed the people. Personally, I believe every gathering should commence with a meal. Try it and see what happens!)

JOHN 4:4-26 (He stopped to get a drink - just as you might stop at Starbuck's - and had a life-changing conversation with a woman there.)

MATTHEW 9:9-10 (Jesus met Matthew the tax collector and went to eat at his home along with His disciples and Matthew's "sinner" friends.)

One fourth of July, I suggested our church have a Bar-B-Q, Bible and Beer party. Interesting concept especially since I don't even drink. No one objected. Several attended who had never joined us before. When we prayed, there were many tears. One old Cowboy who was there has become a close friend who, soon afterward, asked if he could come by and talk. We sat on our porch and he expressed curiosity about the way we prayed that day. Literally, he said, "I have never heard anyone talk to the deity the way y'all did."

Years ago, whenever our college church would meet, we agreed that, if the attendees numbered 6 or less, we would have "Chili's Church." We would leave the church building, get a booth at Chili's Restaurant and talk, laugh, pray and minister. It was powerful! Though that was so long ago, I guarantee those who took part count it among the most memorable things that ever took place while they were there. Along those lines, every Wednesday night, we would meet at a nearby coffee bar. My only "rule" was everybody had to eat and drink something. The owner loved me for that!

I know a young man, a Catholic, who shared a story about a street person he ate a Twinkie with outside the cathedral, causing him to miss Communion while he ate and talked with this down and out individual. He felt God's presence as he invested his time with this individual.

Our church has been meeting in a home for 9 years. At every gathering, food is involved, whether it's a turkey dinner, breakfast, desserts of cheese, crackers and fruit, we are always eating something. Jesus was our example.

Give it a try. Start a Meal Ministry soon! Whether you're cooking a meal, ordering a pizza, gathering at a restaurant, or on your Lunch Break, remember, you are always The Church, whether seated in a pew or seated in a Denny's. Expect something great to happen just because you eat together. When Jesus grabs a seat at the table, things should never be the same.

Every blessing,
Michael Tummillo
Founder, The Church @ Work

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