Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Are you familiar with the House Church movement?

I have been affiliated with House Churches for about 15 years here in the USA. Our group in Stephenville, Texas (we call it "Ekklesia Stephenville") has been meeting nearly 10 years at September Song Bed & Breakfast. Even when I was the Assistant Pastor of a 300-Member church in Arlington, Texas, I always recognized our "cell groups" as being THE PLACE where all the REAL life-changing stuff was happening. Not only were deeper, more intimate relationships growing there (I'm still in touch with quite a few of those friends), but church Members felt 'safe' about exercising their spiritual gifts in a secure and loving environment. Our meetings were not so much about spectating as they were participating. The greater part of those who attended loved it. That included the young people (there is no Junior Holy Spirit).

It wasn't until about 9 years ago that I began to believe the Holy Spirit might actually be orchestrating something through Followers of Jesus within their very homes. Why not? After all, that's the way He BEGAN the Church in the Book of Acts, with people meeting house to house. So,with my wife and some friends, we attended an event called the National House2House Conference in Denver, Colorado. The only words that can describe that weekend for us are "life changing." There were authors, speakers, men and women who had lots of great ideas and advice for anyone feeling led to 'do' Church in this way.

Today, according to Author George Barna (Barna Research), if those who gather in homes were assembled into one denomination, it's estimated they'd be the third largest denomination behind Catholics and Baptists. Speaking of Catholics, house church gatherings DO have the blessing of the Vatican so, start meeting!

Perish any notion of a House Church being a mini-version of 'REAL' Church. Once we wrap our minds around the idea that we are ALWAYS The Church - "two or three gathered in My Name," as Jesus said - we'll realize "Church" is no longer a destination attraction, or an event, so much as it is our very existence; we are never NOT The Church. 

Here in Stephenville, though we officially meet weekly, usually taking time off in the Summer, if needed, over the years we have met in other homes, on different days, at restaurants, or have piled in our cars to minister at people's homes, in nursing homes and hospitals... wherever the Spirit may be leading on any given occasion. We've felt led to ignore our scheduled gathering and traveled to do yardwork for someone who needed help. We've even painted houses on two occasions. Most importantly, we've seen lives changed as a direct result of these meetings. In fact, we've witnessed many miracles as a result of these gatherings... physical, emotional and relational. I've often told people, if you aren't seeing lives radically changed in your church, leave that church! My rationale? Anyone who has an encounter with a milk truck will be forever changed; likewise, anyone who has encountered Jesus should be very different from the experience.

Financially, though we pool our resources, it certainly isn't to meet overhead expenses and salaries. Instead, we've sown our funds into well-digging in Asia, buying an air-conditioner for a couple's trailer, supporting missionaries and itinerant ministers we've met, and have helped transitioning people with hotel bills. This ministry is NOT a bolt-on program of evangelism; it's a way of life. With a group consisting of folks from several denominational backgrounds, though we may not see eye-to-eye on every issue, we do strive to flesh-out the "one another's" of the New Testament and let Jesus, our Teacher, be our main focus. 

It seems the greatest apprehension of those who 'test the waters' of a house church is the fact that they are already affiliated with a church and may have been there for years. That's OK... you can do both! Be The Church THERE, too, or at work... wherever you are! Jesus is there with you, never leaving or forsaking you, allowing you the opportunity to present light to the darkness, Christ IN YOU, the hope of glory.

House Church is about building community, NOT commuters. If you are interested in this concept and wish to try it - either in your own house, apartment or someone else's - if you live more than 15 minutes away, it's just a matter of time before you stop attending. You've been warned! My recommendation? Either have a seasoned House Churcher over to speak with a group in YOUR place, or get the feel of an established group before ever making the move. 

Bear in mind, the word "church" comes from the Greek word "ekklesia." In Scripture (Acts 19), that word is used to describe an angry mob, a city council, and of course, throughout the New Testament, a body of Believers. Inviting people over for supper comes across much "safer" to many people than asking them to church. After all, the Church is you and me, the people, NOT the buildings or denominations.

What if you have no house? Because the House Church is really nothing more than two or three (or more) people gathering in Jesus' Name, you can do this at work, too. Go on, become mission-driven! Over the past 7 years, I've traveled the State of Texas as a Workplace Chaplain and have often had people tell me the group meeting there had become their church, as far as they were concerned. 

Does any of this resonate with you? Are you in love with Jesus but it's organized Christianity you're having trouble with? If that describes you, let's talk! Please forward... I GUARANTEE you know someone who needs this information.

Every blessing,
Michael Tummillo
Founder, The Church @ Work

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

What do you want from God?

Most people set their sights surprisingly low when it comes to what they believe they can expect from God. If all of humanity were lined up at God's throne, each holding a cup so He could fill it with a blessing, would the idea of approaching Him while driving a tanker truck even occur to most of us? 

It would me! Not because I'm greedy and lusting for more stuff (my wife kids me because I so rarely buy anything for myself), but because I have grown to understand: (A) that I have been made worthy of everything God would give Jesus Himself because of His sacrifice and (B) I am a Kingdom-minded man, understanding the cause of Christ, the mission He has given each of us and the tools He's provided with which to start building.

Many Followers of Jesus would piously say things like, "I am not worthy." Frankly, to declare such a thing is to say to Jesus, "Sorry, Lord, but that bloody crucifixion simply was NOT good enough for me. Try again." 

Understand this: You are worthy because the Blood of Jesus MADE you worthy. "Christ never sinned but God put our sin on Him. Then we are made right with God because of what Christ has done for us," 1 Cor 5:21. Get that? You are seen as RIGHTEOUS because of what Jesus did on that horrible cross, once, for all, forever. In other words, when God sees you, He see Jesus. He sees an individual with the potential to change a relationship, a home, a business, a community... the world, if only that individual would wrap there mind around their own potential in Christ.

Unfortunately, so many Believers don't believe they really are worthy. Whether it's church attendance, starting a ministry, attending seminary, or even mentioning His Name, over the centuries, vast multitudes have carried with them such a burden of "sin consciousness," they couldn't move. They found themselves in bondage to religious routine, manmade dogmas, traditions of man. They never experienced the joy of working with their Creator to advance the Kingdom on earth. They never reveled in the peace that passes all understanding. They never actually felt the daily blessing of knowing they were sanctified, set-apart for the King's use, favored by Him and 100% worthy to be His priest and king. Instead, masses throughout the ages bore the mantle of being the "red-headed stepchild" (my apologies to any red-headed stepchildren who may be reading this), HOPING they could be "good" enough, spiritual enough, attend church enough times, walk enough old ladies across the street, say enough prayers.

Over the past 15 years, I have been blessed and privileged to have reached millions, by computer, with the messages the Holy Spirit has given me to encourage and empower people across the planet. I'm just me, a guy who loves Jesus and LOVES when He does stuff with me. Even though I type with one finger and hate all-things-high-tech, only He could see my heart's desire and saw fit to use me for this ministry, despite my personal shortcomings. On many occasions I have told Him He's got the wrong guy (especially when He inspires me with a message at 3 am). Over the years, I have come to understand this: "though man looks at the outside, God looks at the heart." That's all He needs is for us to make ourselves available every day and He can to do miracles THROUGH US and WITH US. Newsflash, Lord: "I want the world but you've only given me millions. 'Sup with that?"

So, what's your problem? Do you smoke, drink, look at porn or do drugs? Are you addicted, abusive, lazy? Have you ever cheated on your spouse, even looking lustfully at another person? Are you a tax-cheat? A dead-beat dad? An ex-con? Do you have a critical spirit, anger issues, worry too much, hate going to church? Whatever labels the world puts on you, God calls you His child. He loves you, has a plan for you and is NOT mad at you! For whatever sins you've committed, God would say, "What sin? That was covered by the Blood - now, can we get to work?" He doesn't want you feeling perfect. He just wants you NOW!

Do NOT wait till you "feel" worthy or are on a streak of "being good." I've let Satan mess with my head in that regard... don't play that game! 

What do you want from God? If it's just enough to move up one notch, your concept of God is much too small. Personally, I possess a "never enough" attitude. Why? Because the world needs to know the Father who created them and the Jesus who died for them, the love He desires to show them THROUGH me. I EXPECT God's favor and man's favor, not because of who I am but because of He who lives WITHIN ME.

Just ask Him for more. Don't settle for where you are now or what you've had in the past. Go deeper in your relationship with Jesus. Start right now!

One more thing: please FORWARD this message. Someone you know REALLY needs this message.

Every blessing,
Michael Tummillo
Founder, The Church @ Work

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Blessed are the Mask-Wearers!

I've written at length regarding the many physical miracles I've been privileged to have been involved with, including my own. Whether I was the one who ministered, served as part of a team, or simply witnessed or even heard about it later, I have no doubt we serve a God who wants very much to use His people to minister healing to others.

Remember, Jesus never commanded His disciples to pray for the sick. No, He told us to HEAL them. Bear in mind, the healing ministry is only difficult when WE attempt to do the healing rather than serve as the vessel for Christ in us by His Holy Spirit.

If I had to select one certain kind of miracle I've seen much more than any others, that would have to be the healing of emotional pain. Most of you have seen it before; an individual is receiving prayer when tears start rolling down their cheeks. Men, women, elderly, teenagers, too, they are receiving a touch from God and their emotions are getting the best of them. Personally, I've seen some unbelievable pain manifested during these moments, tears pooling on the table or between one's feet, a grown man crying out to a long-deceased father, a woman burying her head and trembling violently.

We are surrounded by individuals who are hurting emotionally. From sexual abuse to verbal abuse, physical abuse to PTSD (22 U.S. military veterans commit suicide every day), it seems to me it would be more difficult to find someone who's NOT carrying emotional baggage than it would be to find someone who is. All we have to do is look behind the masks people are wearing in order to cope with life, gain acceptance and approval, fit in, get promoted. 

Though the following do not apply to every circumstance, here are a few of the most common masks I've found people hiding behind during ministry:

Athletic ability
Good looks
Sexual Preference
Sexual promiscuity
Career success

Even as I wrote those down, the faces flashed through my mind of the many individuals who were hiding behind those masks. I can still see their sobbing shoulders, their swollen eyes, their snotting noses. I can recall their newfound joy, their laughter, the smell of either their cologne or body odor as they embraced me afterward. 

They were set free. 

Jesus did that. 

Jesus, the Healer.

In every case, the tipping point came when they finally acknowledged their need to forgive those who had hurt them. For many people, what I've referred to as a mask is actually a crutch. Some might even say Jesus is a crutch. Those who would make such claim apparently haven't experienced Him. He's real, as real as you and me. If you don't know Jesus in that way, get to know Him! 

Are YOU wearing a mask? If so, Jesus wants to heal you, too. Haven't you carried that burden long enough? This is NOT a dress rehearsal; we get one shot at this life. Don't do it without Jesus.

Every blessing,
Michael Tummillo
Founder, The Church @ Work

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Financial Guerrilla Warfare. You in?

Folks often ask me if my wife and I have completely removed ourselves from the USDollar. Nnnnnot quite, but almost. Many people haven't yet grasped the concept of why it's important to get out of the corporate- dominated system of the global elite before they can ever visualize themselves doing so and, subsequently, strategizing an exit plan. It's simple. Ask yourself, "what would that look like?" and then start making it happen.
My contention is this: if enough people will withdraw from the central banking system, we can really hit 'em where they live. These days, whenever I hear the word "scam" I instantly think of the Federal Reserve, the IRS, 401k's... things we've grown accustomed to and have grown to accept, even though they're robbing us blind. THOSE are scams! These people are making a fortune off us, marching our sons and daughters off to war, making us pay ungodly taxes - theft of our hard-earned money. Here are a few things you can begin to put into practice. They'll make you feel better! Yes, you are only one person, but if each one teaches one, we CAN make a major difference:
1) Do not use direct deposit from your employer.
2) Keep a minimal amount of cash in the bank, enough to cash your checks.
3) Pay your mortgages with a money order. Do the same for your car loans.
4) Do not make purchases you cannot afford to pay cash for; debt makes you a slave to the banksters.
5) Pay cash for as much as you can and limit the amount of cash you deposit into the bank. Remember, for every dollar that goes into the bank, the globalists multiply it times nine (it's called 'fractional banking' and it's insane!) and much of that money goes toward programs designed to maximize their control over us.
6) Shop at your local merchants. Avoid corporate chain stores, owned by the megabanks.
7) Regularly, hold and/or attend garage sales and farmers markets to find what you need.
8) Grow your own food and subsist on that food supply as much as possible.
9) Barter. Learn to trade or, at the very least, get ready to start a bartering lifestyle in the near future. Not because you HAVE to, but because you CHOOSE to do so.

You get the idea; when multitudes get out of their money system as much as we can, we will significantly weaken the money-changers' system. We MUST aim for their pocketbooks! We are not going to be able to invade Wall Street, so we have attack it from the inside. This is Financial Guerrilla Warfare. Whatever you may think of Edward Snowden, he has his government shaking in their boots while, in contrast, in other nations, millions are resisting their governments while lives are being lost. The pen truly is mightier than the sword.
There is also a side benefit to these withdrawal strategies: When the collapse of the dollar finally arrives – and it WILL - you will be better prepared and positioned to survive. It is time to roll up our sleeves and work towards getting out of this corrupt system.
One last thing: Become a Citizen Journalist. Forward articles (like this one) to as many friends and family as you can WHILE you can. 
Remember what Scripture says: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world…”
Every blessing,
Michael Tummillo

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Cancer: just another name for DEATH!

Cancer: just another name for DEATH!

I'm getting sick of this! Every time I turn around, I'm hearing reports of someone else I know getting diagnosed with cancer.

Grrrrrr! I'm ready to hurt somebody... Satan, that is!

Over the last 30 years, cancer rates have increased. The toxins in our food, air and water, the EMP's, smart meters on our homes, cell towers and cell phones, HAARP, nanotechnology, RFIDs... these things are breaking down our immune systems and cancers cells are increasing. 

Go to or Google "alternative therapies" and you will learn more about juicing and essential oils and other techniques and therapies for promoting healing. Incidentally, Dr. Max Gerson's secretaries were paid to gradually poison him. When he discovered the plot, he began healing himself with a new diet and, today, his daughter, Charlotte, is carrying the torch for him. While here in the U.S., people are being pumped with drugs and chemo in an effort to "cure" cancer, in Mexico, cancer is being cured with pure juices. What's up with that? The FDA has become increasingly frightened of these alternatives but who cares... there are cancer cures already in existence, folks. I'd like to talk about my favorite.

Today, I spoke with a man to whom I had ministered healing back in March. We were having lunch back then when he told me he was dying and was in the final stages of leukemia. The Lord led me to lay hands on him and minister to him. Upon his next doctor's visit, he was declared healed by his physician. He's still doing great (of course) and he's telling everybody he can that Jesus still heals the sick.

Earlier today, a woman who was in need of a liver transplant - a long-tme friend for whom my church had been praying for and even sent her a Prayer Cloth - reported two things: 1) she was on the list to receive a new liver and 2) she wasn't sick enough to need one! 

Speaking of Prayer Cloths, nearly ten years ago, we heard about a 5-year old girl in Michigan who had been diagnosed with leukemia. Our church laid hands on and anointed a blanket and sent it to her. She was healed and is still alive and well today.

After a car accident, a young man fell into a coma. We ministered healing to him in his nursing home bed. Today, he's married with children. 

People once in a hospital's ICU unit are now dong great. Injuries have been healed. Breast cancers have disappeared. Animals have been healed after receiving healing ministry, too (yes, God's an animal lover!). I cannot forget the elderly people on their death beds who have died soon after receiving ministry, passing into the most complete state of healing imaginable, eternal life!

We serve an incredible powerful God - a loving Father - who still does stuff. Our relationship with Him can be merely about religious services and Bible memorization, or it can be a living, active, exciting relationship where the same Holy Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead ministers the love of God through you and with you as His willing vessel. 

Remember, Jesus never instructed those who follow would Him to merely "pray" for people. No, He commanded us to HEAL them! It takes faith, folks. If you're ready to do "the stuff" Jesus said His Followers would do, talk to Him about it and request those Divine appointments in your life. Trust me, He'll arrange them for you! Listen, Divine Healing is only difficult when you start believing you have anything to do with it (besides being available, that is).

Are you available? If so, be prepared for your faith to take on an entirely NEW dimension!

Do you know anyone with cancer? 

Do you know anyone who KNOWS anyone with cancer? 

Do you know any Followers of Jesus who might be interested in healing the sick? 

If you answered 'yes' to any of those, FORWARD this message!

Every blessing,
Michael Tummillo
Founder, The Church @ Work