Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Winners and Losers: Hey, half the nation was bound to have backed the wrong guy.

Well, the election is over. As that 4-year old girl said through her tears, "Bronco Bama" was the winner. I've already received several eMails and phone calls on the outcome. All Romney-ites. 

Now, I voted for Romney, too. As I've stated in previous posts, my vote was cast NOT because I thought he had a snowball's chance of righting this sinking Titanic - that's too big a job for any mere mortal - but, frankly, because I felt his Mormon survivalist nature would trickle down and cause more Americans to embrace Personal Preparedness as disasters increase all over the planet. 

Just being honest!

In my heart of hearts, I always felt Obama would win. Despite all the negatives of his first term, I believe he IS the "chosen one" for such a time as this. 

Isn't it obvious? He won. God is much more concerned about our nation's character than our comfort. Once we are driven to our knees in repentance, we will see a revival that permeates every facet of society - the Seven Mountains, they've been called, including the Government. At this point, most Christians need to be "vived" before we can ever expect revival.

If having Obama in the oval office causes Christians to pray more than they did previously, mission accomplished. 

If having Obama as President causes people to seek God's face more than ever, that's a good thing. 

Till then, we are directed to rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS. 

We are instructed to "be anxious for nothing." 

We are taught to "pray without ceasing and give thanks at ALL times."

There, I said it. Do I believe God is wringing His hands over an Obama win? 


No more than He was wringing His hands over Saul who was persecuting The Church. All it takes is one motivated, repentant, interceding-on-scabby-knees Church to cause our newly re-elected President to experience his own Damascus Road encounter with Jesus, after which, he would be forever changed. (TIP: Pray for Obama's benefit, NOT for what he can do for you). We are, after all, directed to "pray for those in authority" (like 'em or not!). We are barreling toward the so-called "fiscal cliff" at break-neck speed and the Prez could REALLY use some wisdom right about now. Pray for unity, too, because Obama only possesses 1/3 of our government's branches. If only for your own good, pray as if Obama's success depended upon YOU, personally. 

Already, according to FoxNews this morning, "After the opening bell, Wall Street is dropping deep into the red as traders’ focus shifts from the U.S. elections to the looming fiscal cliff. The Dow is down 180 points, or 1.4%, while the broader S&P 500 is down slightly more on a percent basis. Every major sector is in negative territory, led by the telecommunications, energy and financial sectors." 

So, allow me to congratulate you on your newly re-elected Government Employee. He and his family need your prayers and, I am sure, they would appreciate them.

Every blessing,
Michael Tummillo
Founder, The Church @ Work

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