When I was in my 30's, I recall getting angry because some people who were very close to me all seemed to be making the same comment about me. Laughing, they would mock me by saying things like: "You can't remember anything!" and "Do you have alzheimer's?" then there was, "You don't remember ANYTHING!"
Yesterday, an All-Pro linebacker shot himself in the heart. A few months back, Chicago Bear Dave Duerson did the same thing, leaving a note stating he was leaving his brain to be studied to see if medical science could do anything to help people who get concussions. The NFL has begun to take the after effects of brain injuries quite seriously as has our nation's military. The head, it seems, wasn't designed for such high-impact lifestyles.
I only played football in high school. That's forty games and a gazillion full-contact practices. I'm all-too-familiar with the aroma of smelling salts. I was scraped off the practice field numerous times and played the best game I DON'T remember playing AFTER being hit in the head on a kick-off where I received a hair-line fracture in my skull. On the sidelines, the trainer asked how many fingers he was waving in front of my face. After I finally got it right, I strapped on my helmet and went back on the field. All I remember regarding how well I played is based on watching the game films the next day. Another time, I was hit so hard in the head, I instantly went blind in my right eye and immediately staggered dizzily off the field. I still remember the cold rain pouring into my helmet as I moved my head around, trying desperately to see something - anything - on my right side, caring little about the game at that point. In a few moments, my vision returned.
And that's just my football-related concussions. My head made full contact with the ice a number of times when I was a kid, as moments of my existence vanished from my memory forever.
When I asked Jesus into my life, to truly be my Lord and Savior, I honestly believe a restoration took place. In essence, a progressive healing which I am experiencing till this day. "Salvation" comes from the Greek "sozo" which refers to a salvation of all things pertaining to us, NOT just keeping us out of Hell. Not only do I believe my brain was restored (some people would express doubts, I'm sure), but a diagnosed "incurable" spinal disease gave way to what my doctor referred to as "a textbook spine." Even the pain in my once weather-predicting knees has been gone for decades, despite a coach once commented on hearing my knee clicking as I ran down the sideline past him during a game.
Though I cut my finger with a table saw, I can hardly find any trace of the scar. When I ran a rusty nail through the arch of my foot and had acid blow back into my eyes, neither had any lasting effect. When a spider hiding in the thumb of my leather work glove bit me, though the pain was intense, it subsided and I was fine. When a ton of dog food was dropped of a pallet jack and pinned my foot to the floor in Walmart, I have trouble recalling which foot it was (there were no broken bones and no toe nails were lost).
Don't get me wrong. This body is not unscathed and I certainly have my share of scars. But I live EXPECTING the manifestation of the healing that was purchased for me at Calvary. Like Jesus, my body, too will be glorified; this isn't "it" for any of us. Until that happens, He wants us to prosper and be in good health even as our souls prosper. By the way, when my blood sugar hit 310, with improved eating habits no longer sabotaging my own existence, it's been as low as 124 and I'm believing God for even better numbers!
Remember this: God is NO RESPECTER of persons. What He does for one, He can do - and is willing to do - for another. So much is available to the Body of Christ. Do you want it? Ask and believe you received it at the cross. "Be it unto you according to your faith." - Jesus
Here's to your health!
Every blessing,
Michael Tummillo
The Church @ Work (TCAW)
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