An underground economy in America?
It's already here. It's quite huge and it's growing.
Americans are increasingly embracing private, non-monetary bartering systems. Unfolding job-killing regulations and mandates – such as the Obamacare's sneakily included proviso which soon requires most $600+ transactions across the economy to be reported to the U.S. government – are driving traditional commerce into the shadows.
Our money is being confiscated in the form of taxes. So, with confiscatory taxes about to skyrocket – and depression-level collapse of employment already here – being ready to trade and function in America's vastly expanding underground barter economy has become an absolute MUST. The American family requires "stuff" in order to function properly. One way or another, folks will find a way.
I've worked through the barter issue carefully and can say, without hesitation, the time is NOW to make preparations for bartering for the sake of you and your family.
Are you ready to function and prosper in this rising underground economy?
America Is Becoming a Third-World Country before Our Eyes
- Rising unemployment and poverty (both are much bleaker than official reports portray, as government statisticians routinely "cook the books").
- Economic dependence (debt above 90% of GDP).
- Declining civil rights (Patriot Act and other privacy stealing mandates).
- Increasing political corruption (not only the criminal trials and sex scandals that make for titillating headlines, but the insidious, below-the-radar payola system that corrupts government at all levels).
- Military patrolling the streets (the hush-hush training of thousands of U.S. troops for deployment in urban America has been derailed by many and we've all noticed the militarization of law enforcement).
- Failing infrastructure (bridges, dams, oil and gas pipelines, power grid).
- Disappearing middle class (massive, permanent loss of blue-collar jobs).
- Devalued currency (the inevitable result of chronic deficit spending).
- Controlling the media (the FCC, having effectively co-opted the major networks, is now eyeing talk radio controls and internet "neutrality").
- Capital controls (preventing free markets and free people from correcting and disciplining the financial misdeeds of big government).

Casey Research recently unearthed a list entitled "10 Signs the U.S. is Becoming a Third World Country." The list speaks for itself:
Folks, these are the signs experienced by other nations who were
once thriving and prosperous. The Greek people have already
embraced the bartering system on a large scale. CLICK HERE.
Some genius tried to fix what wasn't broken and people have
wound up in poverty conditions holding trillions on worthless
Will that happen here?
Will it happen to you?
Will you be prepared?
See you at BarterTime Second Saturday, June 9th @ 9AM, south
of Stephenville off Hwy 281.
For such a time as this!
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