Do you believe in Prayer
Is any sick among you?
On several occasions in the past, our team of Intercessors has felt led by the Holy Spirit to release the healing virtues of Christ resident within us (Romans 8:11) into various cloth items - a baby blanket, shawl, or handkerchief - and to send these anointed cloth items forward to the one for whom they were intended. Reports of Divine Healings have resulted as a result of these steps of faith.
Is there a Biblical precedent for this activity? Yes, there is!
The reference can be found in Acts 11:11-12:
"God did unusual and extraordinary miracles by the hands of Paul, so that handkerchiefs or towels or aprons which had touched his skin were carried away and put upon the sick, and their diseases left them and the evil spirits came out of them."
Some might say, "Yes, but that was the great Apostle Paul!"
Sorry, but God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34).
James 5:16 encourages us with these words, "Elijah was a man just like us, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain..."
Didn't Jesus say, "Greater things than I do will you do also, because I go to the Father" and "Be it unto you according to your faith"? Also, He never told us to merely "Pray for the sick." He told us to HEAL them.
Now, I don't know why Paul didn’t go himself, or how word got out that sick people desiring God's healing touch through him need only send him a towel, but it does seem a more efficient for the mountain to come to Mohammed, so to speak. After all, he was just one man and they had no public transit system in those days. Paul must have been prevented either by his more pressing obligations, serving jail time, or because the number who needed healing was so great, and in a situation so precarious, he could not get to all the infirmed and dying people in time.
Was there a plague perhaps, with sick and dying people everywhere? No one can say for sure.
This type of healing required great faith from Paul AND from those desperate enough to send him their aprons, towels and kerchiefs. His sole Scriptural precedent of anything remotely resembling this type of healing ministry was the woman with the issue of blood who was healed when she touched the hem of Jesus' garment.
That's it.
Paul had faith God would honor this mode of healing as if he were physically present to minister to every one of those who sent him those cloth tokens.
Obviously, cloth items in and of themselves have no power to heal. When sent on a divine mission, however, invested with power from God, sent by one who understands his authority in Christ, well... God can and does use these things. In the same way, those who understand righteousness, the authority we have in Christ, and our position in the priesthood as Believers, don’t posses any healing power EXCEPT what the Holy Spirit grants them. When sent on a divine mission, we can manifest the power of God according to His will as if we were Jesus Himself.
Personally, when I was very sick with an "incurable" spinal disease, I desperately sent for a healing cloth from a ministry in a magazine. As I recall, I did pay for the postage, but that was not unreasonable. Well, I was progressively healed and I'm fine today. Did that little prayer cloth have anything to do with it after I safety-pinned it to my pillow? It didn't hurt! On the other had, I've also heard of ministries who sold "anointed prayer cloths" for a gift of so many dollars. I understand the need to cover increasing shipping costs, but asking for money for something like this doesn't sit well with me.
I would like to invite anyone reading this now to send a cloth item to me. Trust me, I am being led by the Spirit to even ASK you to do this as the very thought of this kind of ministry causes many Christians to look at me funny. I'm convinced if only one person responds to this message, that individual was the sole reason for my feeling led to write this. I believe God will gladly honor your desperate act of faith, in concert with my own, to minister healing to the sender in this way. Thank you in advance for allowing me to release my faith in this way. I believe you will be greatly blessed for your obedience!
If you are in need of healing and would appreciate having a piece of cloth, a wash cloth, a scarf, a t-shirt, or handkerchief prayed over, anointed and returned to you by those who have had experience with Divine Healings, please write me at to initiate the connection with the word "HEAL" in your Subject Bar and a brief message about your condition. Your e-Mail address and home address will be safe and secure, not shared with anyone.
I look forward to hearing from anyone desperate enough for Christ's healing touch to reach out in this way.
Every blessing,
Michael Tummillo
Founder, The Church @ Work (TCAW)
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