Friday, April 26, 2013

Turning Employees into DEPLOYEES!

For far too many, Christianity can be defined by two things: 1) Church attendance and 2) Being good. Can we all agree that our #1 objective as Christians should be to advance the Kingdom of God? In order to do so with effectiveness, it's good to wrap our minds around this Kingdom thing.

1) We have a King. Kings are not Presidents or Prime Ministers. No, they are BORN into Kingship. Our King, Jesus, will live forever and proved Himself King of the Universe by conquering death, hell and the grave and doing all the wonderful miracles He did - including resurrecting the dead - during His earthly ministry.

2) He has a Kingdom. The word "kingdom" comes from the Greek "basilea" which means "dominion." Jesus said "The Kingdom of God is within you" and "it does not come with observation." In other words, you can't plan a day trip and get there. The King's Dominion is within you because HE is in you by His Spirit and, if we are to do greater things than He did "because He went to be with the Father," we have to abide in the Kingdom of God. Righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost...THAT is the Kingdom of God.

3) He wants EVERYBODY in the Kingdom. They can't all get there unless they know about it, right? Who's ging to tell them if not us? How can we tell them if we, ourselves, don't get it? That's why Jesus and His disciples went around teaching about the Kingdom. We should follow that example.

4) He wants to provide for you there. That same Kingdom pantry from which Jesus drew the loaves and fishes, seeing eyes, functioning body parts, is available to you, too. Not only will you find all your personal needs there, but anything you need for others is there, too. Go and get it!

5) He wants to advance that Kingdom with you and through you. Are you available? Are you ready?

Jesus said He came as an example. You may have noticed how most of His ministry was done in the Marketplace, the same place we spend up to 70% of our lives today. Now THAT is an example the Army of God should follow! Speaking of God's Army, Pastors, are you equipping your congregation for their weekly battlefield deployment commonly known as "work"? Do the folks in your church see themselves as ministers, or merely as worker bees whose only responsibility is to toss money in the basket so you can pay salaries and keep lights on? Very few will find a sense of fulfillment in that. 

Did you know, according to surveys, up to 97% of all Christians have never heard a sermon relating biblical principles to their work life? Work is a holy calling; a blessing. This ministry need not be kept within the four walls of an institutional church. In my humble opinion, it's high time we start blending the sacred with the secular. 

I've been a Workplace Chaplain for nearly 7 years. My encounters with Employees - and their encounters with Christ in me, the hope of glory - would fill volumes. I am driven to give my ministry away by encouraging others they need not be called a "Chaplain" in order to function in that role. I want them to know their ministry at work is every bit as important as the Ephesians 4:11 role of the 5-fold ministries. The Father is looking for people who are simply AVAILABLE, especially in the place where so much of life is being spent.

If you would appreciate an impartation from me for your congregation, school or Christian workplace, just ask. Write, type "WORK" in your Subject Bar and include your contact information.

Every blessing,
Michael Tummillo
Founder, The Church @ Work

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