Tuesday, January 8, 2013

OMG! It's the FLU!

It's bigger 'n badder than ever, folks! It's here earlier than ever, too. Flu patients are being turned away from Chicago hospitals. A Philly hospital has erected an emergency tent for flu cases.
Fox News anchor, Megyn Kelly, received an on-camera flu shot from a doctor wearing surgical gloves.

Media hype equals mass hysteria among the masses. Keep your heads, people! There are drugs and shots and natural remedies, some of which are questionable and even harmful, so do your own research. 

What's a Christian to do?

My own strong reminder is this: do what the Scripture directs us to do and HEAL THE SICK! Nowhere in Scripture do we read anything about "Praying for" sick people. No, Jesus directed us to HEAL them - and He gave us the authority and power of the same Spirit who raised Him from the dead to get that mission accomplished. All we need to be is available, exercising our faith and recognizing that Divine Healing is only a challenge when we start thinking WE have anything to do with the process.

I was quite proud when I received a text requesting prayer from my son when he felt sick and even more proud to hear he laid hands and anointed with oil his wife and baby. 

I was thrilled when my daughter told me by phone her two little girls took their medicine, but started confessing they were already feeling better after mommy anointed their foreheads with olive oil. 

Personally, though I've been sneezing and sniffing, I pro-actively had my wife and church pray over me and, well... feel better already! I'm praying against sickness now, especially for my wife, daughter and daughter-in-law who all work in health care and are surrounded by sick people.

Which method of healing works best?

"Be it unto you according to your faith," Jesus said. If a person's faith is at the level of medicine, herbs, or a surgeon's knife, they'll likely receive healing as a result of those methods. That's great... whatever works (though I don't really believe modern medicine actually heals, so much as comforts, anybody - sometimes, it actually has adverse affects). Even Jesus used mud on a blind man's eyes and had to minister twice for the man who described what he saw as "trees walking around." Though Jesus didn't need those things, we see this an example showing us where the man's faith-level was. Remember, Jesus could do very few miracles in His own hometown. The locals simply couldn't see the boy they knew as "Mary's kid" as REALLY being the long-awaited Messiah.

Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever, doing His work on earth through willing vessels like you and me. 

"Pray without ceasing, give thanks at all times." In other words, pray until you see results. Our tendency is to have people "take two prayers and call me in the morning" when it's "the effectual, fervent prayer of the righteous" that avails much.

In the last days, we are warned, there will be plagues and pestilences, etc. How are we, as Christians, going to handle a pandemic later if we aren't mastering sniffles and coughs right now? 

I suggest we use these illnesses as training exercises! Get good at this stuff, people! Step out in faith as the Spirit leads (crucial point, so start listening), and minister healing to those who are oppressed. Make declarations of health. Heck, do it BEFORE that first sneeze. Do it in Jesus' Name. In other words, in accordance with how He taught and showed us. 

Warning: Satan hates this stuff! That alone should motivate you to good works like these!

Every blessing,
Michael Tummillo
Founder, The Church @ Work                                                                                                                                                                                     

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