Friday, January 4, 2013

Guys, what's the worst thing you ever did?

I'm writing this message with men in mind after sensing a strong unction to do so. I can only imagine the Father is thinking about a guy like you for whom that "thing" you did felt so awfully sinful, or that habitual "thing" that keeps rearing its head is keeping you in bondage, denying you the freedom bought for you by the blood shed at Calvary.

Oswald Chambers wrote in My Utmost for His Highest (I paraphrase), "To say you are not worthy of God's love is to tell Jesus "the cross wasn't good enough." Many years ago when I read this, at that very instant, I KNEW I was made worthy by Jesus' blood and that, truly, NOTHING would ever separate me from the Father's love. Guys, everything you have ever done, or will ever do, was forgiven at the cross. Contrary to what so many believe, there's no rating scale for sin. The chasm has been bridged and that which once separated us from God carries no more weight. This truth should cause you to love God unceasingly, as it did me, wanting nothing more than to surrender everything I have to serving Him and advancing His Kingdom, no longer my own.

OK, so you took the bait. Maybe you were a Pastor or a Priest. Perhaps you were a deacon or a Christian radio show personality. Maybe you were just a Christian man who got "caught" doing what many others haven't been caught doing... yet. Were you stealing from the register, having an affair, a DWI, looking at porn? Maybe it was doubting, pride, selfishness, unforgiveness, or a lack of faith. There are sins of commission and omission - things we DO and things we should've done.

No one is innocent.

Then again, because of what Jesus did for us, we are seen as RIGHTEOUS DUDES by our Father, meaning we ARE innocent. Men, when God sees you, He sees Jesus! 

Religion will tell you the same thing it said to the first guy, Adam. When he and his lady, Eve, ate the forbidden fruit, they suddenly became aware of their sin, became ashamed of their nakedness and hid from God. Later, when God found Adam, clothed in fig leaves, He asked, "Who told you that you were naked?" In other words, "who told you that you'd sinned?"

If the God who chooses to cast your sins as far as East is from West were to ask you, "Who told you that you sinned," it's likely the response would be, "My parents." How about, "My preacher." For others it's, "Satan" or "My wife... all the time!" Whether it's religion or relatives, multitudes are being kept in bondage to some "thing" they did through the words of others who held them captive, separated from God only in their minds. Some guys turned to religious traditions, a penance of sorts, in an attempt to work off their "debt." Other simply gave up and dove head-long into a life of depravity.

Newsflash: The debt's already been paid! Jesus did it!

Last night, we attended a house church meeting. A young man was there, recently released from prison. During the course of conversation, he mentioned an ID card he has with the word "OFFENDER" stamped across the front, a gift from State of Texas Department of Corrections. In Texas prisons, he said, every prisoner has one of those. I was instantly reminded of all the names God changed throughout Scripture: Abram became Abraham. Saul became Paul. Jacob became Israel. Guys, an "Offender" is NOT what that guy is; he's redeemed, a child of God... and I told him so. You and I had an invisible spiritual card with the word "SINNER" stamped across the front. With that first drop of Jesus' blood, that word was erased and, according to Scripture, replaced with the word "SAINT."

Be encouraged, men. You are NOT what you've been labeled as. God isn't mad at you. Through Jesus, He made the way where the wasn't one. Just accept that; it's either true or it's a lie. Whatever the world - including the church - may call you, that's NOT the name God calls you.

My advice? Deal with this truth. Embrace it and get on with God's business. Focusing on your own business doesn't usually work out so well.

Ladies - and I KNOW at least a few women are reading this - please forward this message to every man you know. Boys, too. It will bless and encourage many to whom it is sent.

Every blessing,
Michael Tummillo
Founder, The Church @ Work

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