The Bride of Christ: Crawling into bed with the Fed.
Attention all faith-based non-profit organizations... GET READY!
Years ago, after graduating from Bible College, as I prayed and asked God what I should do regarding whether or not I should pursue a 501c3 non-profit status for this ministry, I received a clear directive straight from the Holy Spirit telling me NOT to pursue this avenue. I was amazed because this was contrary to the encouragement of all my friends in ministry. One friend whom I had introduced to his wife and whom I served as Best Man at their wedding, actually told me he would support my ministry financially ONLY when he could get a write-off for his support to my ministry when it achieved 501c3 non-profit status.
OUCH! Show me THAT model in Scripture!
Right now, ObamaCare is having an effect on Hobby Lobby, a Christian-owned store with hundreds of locations and thousands of Employees nationwide. Because they will be obligated to paying for ObamaCare, any business, or church is subsequently bound to pay for abortions, contraceptives, etc. - like it or not!
What does this have to do with your Church or 501c3 non-profit group? Stay tuned!
After seeing the requirements of ObamaCare, HobbyLobby realized they were liable to cover many things for their Employees - stuff which they didn't agree with on a moral and spiritual level. Though they want their Employees to have health insurance, retirement and social security, they don't want to jeopardize the beliefs of their family-owned business and will probably lose this fight in the Supreme Court, just as they've already lost in State Court.
Folks, this incident has a really great chance of RUINING HobbyLobby and other businesses, costing thousands of people their jobs. Does anyone dare to take a stand against ObamaCare? The Catholic church, their hospitals and universities, have already fought this fight. Unfortunately, they can't win this in the courts and neither can the NON-Catholics.
In case you weren't aware - and I've been sounding this alarm for a long time - every 501c3 faith-based organization in America is going to have to pay ObamaCare for their Employees, thereby supporting abortion and contraception for their employees in the process. This goes for organizations of ALL faiths, including those whose religions have a Pro-Life leaning, including Muslims.
We are going to have some really tough decisions to make very soon, folks. ObamaCare will impact faith-based schools where anybody who works as much as 30 hrs MUST have ObamaCare paid for by their Employers, whether the bosses like it or not.
The Fed is NOT supposed to meddle in the religious affairs of this country according to the First Amendment. With ObamaCare, this is exactly what they'll be doing. Most of America's Churches have chug-a-lugged the 501c3 non-profit Kool-Aid and, as such, have become, unwittingly, subject to governmental control.
Hear this: the 1st Amendment was set up to keep the Fed OUT of Religion but, in the their desire to attain a tax-exempt status and give their supporters a tax deduction, Religion crawled BACK into bed with the Fed, thereby allowing the government BACK into the Religion business. Therefore, no separation of Church 'n State exists.
DUMB! Didn't our vast multitudes flee their countries to America because of this kind of governmental control?
As I see it, as a result, religious groups now have no leg to stand on.
Churches are soon going to have to make drastic decisions and most are, at this moment, completely unaware of what you've just read. For Christian schools, universities, physicians and Christian businesses... some really HUGE changes are coming down the pike and some VERY tough decisions are going to have to be made. ObamaCare will lead to the demise of many businesses including those of physicians and surgeons who are already changing courses and, in some cases, seeking another profession. How will this effect those who need a doctor right away? We've already heard the horror stories of socialized medicine in other countries.
I am 100% convinced this is all part of the Global Elitist agenda and has NOTHING to do with MediCare and certainly nothing to do with your health. Frankly, it's all about total control of the people as those who run the planet usher another peace of the agenda puzzle of the New World Order.
What can be done? It's called Preparation. For example, where my own church is concerned, we have embraced the Book of Acts "House Church" model, meeting "house to house", thereby eliminating all the trappings of a 501c3, and we pay no salaries or overhead. One might even consider buying a copy of the Physician's Desk Reference in order to diagnose one's own symptoms, too.
Just a suggestion.
No, I'm NOT kidding.
Please forward this message to your religious leaders. Chances are, they haven't got a clue.
Every blessing,
Michael Tummillo
Founder, The Church @ Work