Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Along came Sandy!

It's Tuesday, October 30th, 2012. Last night, 
the history-making hurricane called "Sandy" made landfall with 80 to 94 mph sustained winds. She killed at least 17 people in seven states, cut power to more than 7.4 million homes and businesses from the Carolinas to Ohio, and caused scares at two nuclear power plants while stopping the presidential campaign juggernaut stone cold.

Bad as Sandy was, she could've been worse. MUCH worse.

While Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy, experience reveals he ALWAYS overplays his hand. The approach of this "FrankenStorm" 
caused millions of Jesus-loving Intercessors to pray and make declarations against the Spirits of 

Death, Destruction and Chaos while releasing the Peace of Christ, Divine Order, Unity and angelic protection over 60 million of our fellow citizens. We should keep praying for those now experiencing blizzards as well as for the safety of those engaged in the process of getting things back to normal, from Governors to Mayors to Electricians and tradesmen. 

Multitudes had no jobs to return to this morning, perhaps no physical workplace even existed for them to go to at all. Besides, they had no 
transportation system to help them get there. Instead, millions sat at home, in the dark, in the cold, with their kids, wondering what to do next. 

Pray for them. 

They are legion.

Sure, on a natural level, lots of people are left with lots of clean-up to do. Yes, lots of people lost lots of stuff. But while at least 17 people died as a direct result of Sandy, many more than that might have been killed and injured in gang-related shootings, drive-by's, muggings, abortions, murders and suicides, rapes, car and construction accidents, had Sandy NOT made landfall.

My declaration at this point is that Jesus is the Lord over all that devastation. I pray that The Body of Christ would rally and reach out to those who are dazed and confused by the upper-cut punch just delivered. 

I pray the Followers of Jesus would have a calming effect on the people with whom they connect, and that they would actively seek to connect; I pray for those DivineAppointments. 

I pray for Wisdom over all who are charged with restoring their communities, for the repairmen, even those now driving that direction from 
other states. 

Let us declare an outpouring of Peace, Harmony, Unity, Love and Brotherhood would overcome those states who are now recovering. 

Let us pray against crime, looting, thieves, price-gouging, home invasion, and speak confusion over all who plan such crimes.

Let us declare total restoration over all that destruction, redemption and resurrection over that which looks irreparable. We walk by faith, not by sight. 

Let us declare a Spirit of Generosity would overcome multitudes who will sow financially into the Salvation Army, the Red Cross and other relief 

Let us pray the Holy Spirit would urge multitudes of victims to answer the question, "What possible good could come of this situation?" while guiding them to find the answer lies in knowing Jesus, the answer to every problem known to man.

Every blessing,

Michael Tummillo

Founder, The Church @ Work

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