Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Who's naked? Not me!

Recently, I sent this message out to many people electronically. It resonated with folks. Great response. Last night, I felt compelled to send it to my oldest son, Justin, now in doing time in a Texas prison on drug and theft-related charges. He's been there over 6 months and will be there till Christmas, I'm sure. Of the many things my flesh wanted to say to him in a letter (he has not requested any visits from me), the only thing I feel at peace about saying to him is what you are about to read. 

Truth is, all of us know someone who needs to know these things. Maybe even you?? Please forward the message. Please pray for my son, too. Thanks! 

Every blessing,
Michael Tummillo

Who's naked? Not me!

Today is Sunday. By 8AM, my wife and I were at the City Park, me on my bicycle, her walking briskly. The breezes were cool, the leaves were showering us, the water fall was the only thing I heard loudly when I rode past it. I was so blessed and couldn't help but pray prayers of thanksgiving, thanking the Father for my wife, our health, the freedom we had to come and go at will. I prayed for my family, those who lost our beloved Tommy last Wednesday (Barbara's last remaining uncle) as well as the new baby still being knitted together in my oldest daughter's womb. My heart was filled with praise and thanks! 

My wife told me she had prayed, too, while she was walking. On a beautiful morning like this, apparently, we just couldn't help ourselves. 

When we climbed into the truck to head home, we heard a preacher on the radio, lovingly reminding his congregation how sinful they were and how those sins separated them from their loving God. 

YUCK! I was disgusted and changed the station. 

After we got home, my wife made some eggs and turkey sausage for us while I surfed the TV. I found a denominational minister, clothed in a bright, shiny green robe, lovingly reminding his church members how sinful and awful THEY were! 

YUCK! I shut the TV off. 

After we'd eaten, I called out to my wife and asked if she wanted to pray with me in the parlor (after all, it IS Sunday). At this point, I'd like to clarify something: Barbara and I do not expect our convictions to become anyone else's. Your relationship with God is between you and Him. Our personal belief is The Church is the people, all the time, 24/7, everywhere we are. We choose to fellowship with others in homes on a weekly basis whenever possible, but we are no more "churchy" there than we are at the park or in our parlor. 

Now you know. 

Anyway, in a moment, my wife was in the room with me and sat down on the couch in our peaceful old sitting room in this 100-year old house. Again, with gratitude in my heart, I thanked God for saving us and setting us free, even from manmade rules and regulations and from the trappings of denominationalism, church hierarchies and doctrines of man and of devils that once held us in bondage. I thanked him our sins of scarlet have been made as white as snow by the sacrifice of Christ on the cross. I thanked Him, most of all, that NOTHING would EVER separate me from His love. NOTHING! 

No thing. 

No person. 

No how.

No sins.

We are the righteousness of God in Christ. In other words, when He sees us, He sees Jesus. 

Think about this… if it were all about how "good" you were required to be, how would you ever know you'd been good enough?

If it were all about how many good deeds you accomplished, how would you know when your obligations had been fulfilled?

If all that mattered was how pious and spiritual you could act outwardly, though some might be impressed, the Father only cares about what's in your heart. We can't hide that. Sure, as long as we walk around in these "earth suits," we will be prone to sin. No, that doesn't give us a license to do so, but we WILL sin. At our best, we STILL need a Saviour. 

Guess what? God already sent us One!

Personally, I became crazy about Father God when I FINALLY realized my salvation had nothing to do with me and everything to do with what He did FOR me. I sure couldn't do it for myself! Now, I have been made worthy to enter His throne of grace, NOT because of my good deeds and religiosity, but because of the Blood which atoned for my sins; they are no longer held against me!

Consider this: How many sins had you committed at the time of the crucifixion? 500 years later? 1,000 years later? A week from today? You get the point? All your sins were forgiven for all time. Period. When I finally wrapped my mind around those concepts, THAT is when I fell wholeheartedly in love with the Father. He truly has an unfathomable love for us, just as I have for my own flesh and blood children, only GREATER!

"Who told you that you were naked," God asked Adam, after he and Eve had sinned. Likewise, who told you that you were a sinner saved by grace? Who told you anything could separate you from God? 


I heard two ministers flat out LYING to their congregations this morning over the airwaves, and I'm sure there were others doing the same. I'm sure because I used to do the very same thing. 

Folks, you have been made HOLY by the sacrifice at Calvary. You are a SAINT! You are a child of God! You are NOT a Sinner, but you have been saved by God's grace, His unmerited favor and unconditional love. 

Chew on that truth for a while. 

As well-meaning as those electronic ministers were this morning, I'm convinced such sin-centered preaching does little to strengthen and deepen the love of those who hear that message. People already KNOW they've sinned (they are reminded all the time by preachers and family members… and by the devil). They've already been told their sins are separating them from the love of God, that they are unworthy, etc. 

The Church must now be reminded nothing will separate them from the love of God any longer. I'd rather see people serving God out of love than out of fear. I think the Father prefers that, too.

Don't you?

Every blessing,
Michael Tummillo
Founder, The Church @ Work

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