Friday, May 10, 2013

"How can I become a MORE EFFECTIVE Workplace Christian?"

As a Workplace Chaplain, it's not uncommon that an Employee will ask me this question. In short, it boils down to three things:
  1. Prayer
  2. Caring for the widows (including single mothers) and orphans (kids without fathers)
  3. Fleshing out the “one another's” of the New Testament.

Let's focus on Prayer... workplace intercession. I like teaching the Hand Prayer. By using one's own hands, placed palm-to-palm in a standard “praying” position, our own fingers will remind us of how to pray in the workplace.

THUMB: In the praying position, the thumb is the digit closest to us. So, we are reminded to pray for those who are closest to us, whether that's the person in the next cubicle or the closest friends we have at break time.

POINTER: The Pointer finger helps us recall the individuals who point the way in your workplace. Is that a Workplace Chaplain, like me, or is it a co-worker most often turned to in times of personal crisis? Maybe it's that UPS guy... God will use anyone!

MIDDLE FINGER: When our hands are palm-to-palm, the middle finger is at the highest level. So, now we pray for those in the highest positions. From the company's Founder to the Plant Manager to the immediate Supervisor, intercede for the souls, families, wisdom and revelation so the company will be led in a godly manner and have a Kingdom impact on the community and the world.

RING FINGER: The weakest of our fingers reminds to pray for those who may be weak at the moment. Whose going through divorce? Single parents need prayer. Whose sick? Whose family is struggling? Anyone depressed, suicidal, lonely, addicted to alcohol or drugs? Is anyone mourning?

PINKY: Our little finger reminds us to pray for ourselves in the workplace. Pray God would break your heart for those you spend the majority of your life with: your co-workers. We can preach all day and memorize the Bible but, as Paul wrote, “if we have not love,” we're having no effect. Ask the Lord to help you see your job for the mission field it is and that He would use you as Salt & Light there. Pray that you would be a thermostat there rather than a thermometer, setting the temperature rather than merely reading it. Ask Him to help you discover your purpose while you're employed there and that He would grant you wisdom to do as the Spirit directs you.

Finally, there's the palm itself. When curled it makes a fist and that reminds you of your service as a warrior in God's Army. Wherever people are gathered, Satan's minions are there, assigned to muddy the waters (yes, even in churches). Remember, no matter who is rubbing you the wrong way, your battle is NOT against flesh and blood – it's against those devils and YOU have been given the power to get rid of them where you work.

So, go give 'em Heaven!

Every blessing,
Michael Tummillo
Founder, The Church @ Work

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