Thursday, March 28, 2013

Doing 'the stuff': What comes AFTER the Crucifixion?

Easter will be here this weekend. What a wonderful opportunity to show the world that we, as Followers of Jesus, serve a risen King. We believe He was raised from the dead thereby proving Himself to be Lord of all things, including death, hell and the grave. That's worth shouting about because He said those who believed in Him would do "greater things" than He did "BECAUSE I go to the Father."

So, what happens next?

Over the years, I have experienced Christianity through the eyes of several mainline denominations. In every camp, getting people "saved" always seemed to be Priority One. I can't help but wonder why, whether it was through baptism as infants or adults, repeating a Sinner's Prayer, raising one's hand, the greatest emphasis of each group with which I was affiliated was salvation with so little emphasis on what came AFTER the crucifixion. 

Have you noticed there's only one reference to being "born again" in Scripture while there are many having to do with following Jesus? Yet, are goal is to do all we can to get people to what our particular group calls "saved" by one of our denominational methods.

As I see it, Jesus preached about the Kingdom and taught His disciples to do likewise. We don't see that much these days. Throughout the New Testament, starting with the Book of Acts, we see those who were Followers of Jesus doing miracles, casting out devils and exercising spiritual gifts. We see them starting churches in their homes and making every effort to advance God's Kingdom regardless of whether they were imprisoned, forsaken, rejected, or wrongly accused. They lifted up the name of Jesus in every circumstance as an example for future generations.

As John Wimber, Founder of the Vineyard Churches said after he started reading the Bible and began regularly attending church meetings, "When do we do 'the stuff'?"

In my experiences with those involved in Satanism, the common thread among them all was this: they wanted power. So weakened by what life had thrown their way, they desperately turned to Satan, even when they knew he didn't have their best interests in mind. 

As a Youth Minister, I can recall conversations with many kids asking if what they had experienced in church thus far was all they could expect from then on. They'd kicked the tires and test-driven the institution and were not impressed, explaining why over 80% of kids leave the church world at age 18.

In my ministry as a Workplace Chaplain, the number one reason I get from adults for not attending church is "I don't want to listen to someone tell me how bad I am." They already know they're bad. In their minds, they've separated themselves from God and there's no turning back. Maybe that's why so many people start crying when I tell them God isn't angry with them.

In the Christian life of multitudes, they don't have any idea as to when they will start doing 'the stuff'. If they asked for training, they would get that 'deer in the headlights' look. 

Personally, watching people receive healing, seeing marriages restored, encouraging people who are at their wit's end, casting the devil out of people's lives, renewing my mind as to what Kingdom Living is all about, gets me out of bed every day. I LOVE this Kingdom stuff!

Are YOU living your Kingdom purpose? If not, why not? The Bible promises you the same power that raised Jesus from the dead. Do you want that, or will you be content to appropriate just enough power to drag yourself to one more church service? You don't really believe Jesus died for THAT, do you?! For far too many, being a Christian boils down to trying to "be good" and sitting in a pew. Don't be that guy!

CLICK HERE to hear my teaching about the Kingdom of God. It will help you!

Happy Resurrection Sunday!

Every blessing,
Michael Tummillo
Founder, The Church @ Work

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Stephenville's Seven Mountains of Societal Influence

In 1975, Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade, and Loren Cunningham, founder of Youth With a Mission (YWAM), had lunch together. It seems God simultaneously gave each of these change agents a message to give to the other. During that same time, frame Francis Schaeffer was given a similar message. That message was that if we are to impact any nation for Jesus Christ, we would have to affect the "Seven Mountains" that are the pillars of any society.
These Seven Mountains are Business, Government, Media, Arts and Entertainment, Education, the Family and Religion. 

1) EDUCATION: From Tarleton University to area Day Care centers, there are Followers of Christ, people with great spiritual influence working in every building, teaching, impacting the young and impressionable lives of many of our young people.

2) BUSINESS: From the smallest mom and pop shop to the Fortune 500 companies that call Erath County 'home,' because the average American spends up to 70% of his/her life in the workplace, shouldn't we, as Follower of Jesus, do as He did in the Marketplace - a place where He spent much of His time and did many miracles and parables?

3) RELIGION: Though we may not worship our Lord in the exact same way, God is looking at the hearts of those who claim to follow Jesus. Like the early Church that "turned the world upside down," we can have a similar impact on our community only when we have had our minds renewed to the fact that if we have a job, we have a ministry. Imagine, if Workplace Ministry were taught - not as a bolt-on evangelism program that lasted a few weeks but, rather as a way of life. Consider this: If 100 employed Members of a congregation of several churches were to somehow impact the lives of a combined 20 co-workers every week - even if only through private prayer - that's an increase in 200 souls that were NOT reached by a preacher in a pulpit somewhere. This ministry is, in my humble opinion, every it as important as anything that goes on in brick and mortar Christianity. If you're EMPLOYED, you've been DEPLOYED.

4) FAMILY: The Church is the people, not the buildings or denominations; "Two or three gathered in My Name," Jesus said. A man and his wife are a microcosm of The Church as we know it. Our community is only as strong as The Church and The Church is only as strong as its families. If your church  services have become a destination attraction, it's time to take a second look at the Lordship of Christ in your own home. As a part of the state's Twogether in Texas marriage enrichment team, I would venture to guess the lack of faith on the home-front is a major weakness in our nation.

5) ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT: Years ago, while working as Marketing Director for the Stephenville Chamber of commerce, I was asked on many occasions to address classes at Stephenville High School and at Tarleton. I never failed to close each presentation with a few words about the One redeemed my life, Jesus Christ. I wasn't talking about Religion or a church... I was talking about someone I know personally. Year after year, I was invited back to address another group of students. Concerned friends would ask, "Aren't you afraid they won't invite you back?" My response was always the same: "It doesn't matter. What matters is how my testimony impacts those seated before me." I took advantage of every opportunity. Whether someone is an actor, a dancer, a singer, a performer of any kind, let's take advantage of every platform we are provided with. It's God who opens those doors... what are we to do with that moment?

6) MEDIA: As a man with an online ministry the past 14 years, I know what it's like to reach multitudes of Christians on a daily basis. Wouldn't it be just like our Creator to create a method by which we could impact the lives of scores of people every day with His inspired Word? Be it radio, cable TV, billboards, t-shirt designs, computers and bumper stickers, the sky's the limit where proclaiming God's Kingdom is concerned.

7) GOVERNMENT: I will never forget the time I had dinner with our area's State Representative and his wife when they visited our house church meeting one night several years ago. We were so impressed to hear him talk about what a big part of his law-making process included prayer and seeking the Scriptures from the old Bible that was already in his desk when he first went to Austin. Our former Mayor was a co-worker when I was with The Chamber. One afternoon, she approached me requesting prayer when she was wrestling with the decision of leaving her Chamber post and running for Mayor. These are good people, doing their best to involve their God in the process of governing. That's good, but can it be great? Consider this next time you cast a ballot, or run for office.

I left The Chamber after 5 years, the last six months as Interim President, taking a position as a Workplace Chaplain, a job I'd dreamed of doing nearly 20 years prior, and had been doing in an unofficial capacity here in town and in my previous job in Arlington before moving here. I've been serving in this capacity nearly seven years. During this time, I have been called upon to speak on the topic of Faith at Work in San Antonio, Dallas, Grand Saline, El Paso, Austin, and elsewhere. I've spoken at Christian Chambers of Commerce, Churches, and at outdoor festivals, too. I'll be the MC at this year's Tipping Point Conference in San Antonio, April 18-20, and I'll be speaking on the topic of Faith in the Workplace on Saturday night at that gathering. CLICK HERE

Please, prayerfully consider the mountain, or mountains, on which you've been placed. Are you doing all you can to advance God's Kingdom there, growing where you're planted? If you need help, just ask. I am always available.

Every blessing,
Michael Tummillo
Workplace Chaplain
Founder, The Church @ Work


Monday, March 25, 2013

A Military loaded with PTSD: How can we REALLY help them?
by Chaplain Michael Tummillo

The mind boggles.

Incredibly, the number of suicides among active-duty military personnel has now surpassed the number killed in action (CLICK). PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) may be a large part of the problem. I believe there IS a solution.

America's military hospitals are using virtual reality therapy on troops suffering from PTSD. Though I appreciate the motivation of the individual health care professionals involved in treatment (my own wife is an RN), I find the techniques I've read and heard about concerning PTSD to be nothing short of diabolical. That's merely my own professional opinion as a minister of the Gospel, however; you can make your own decision. In this therapy, the patient is exposed to digitally-recreated combat situations that not only include digital imagery and sound, but also smells and tactile sensations. The concept theory? Repeatedly expose these patients to scenarios triggering their PTSD until side effects are reduced. In other words, until the soldier stops flinching at the sound of an IED exploding under the vehicle traveling in front of him or her. 

Next victim!

The technique incorporates smells such as gunpowder, cordite, burning rubber, Iraqi spices, barbecued lamb and body odor. Unbelievably, the soldiers wear goggles, earphones and can feel vibration through a subwoofer beneath their chair. Treatment sessions are 90 minutes long, twice weekly.

Your tax dollars at work, folks. I have a feeling the VA hospitals aren't funded based upon the number of soldiers cured; they are funded according to the number of people funneling through their doors. Dr. Mengele (Hitler's notorious "Angel of Death") would be proud. To me, this so-called "treatment" is like breaking a kid's arm over and over until he doesn't cry anymore. 


Surely this desensitization program has an impact on the troops in every aspect of their lives and might explain why it is the divorce rate in the armed forces - and the suicide rate - is so high. 

Have you heard of HBOT (Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy)? There are many articles online regarding this technique which seems to be quite successful in actually healing PTSD patients. From that article, "...even three years after the vets sustained brain injury, one month of HBOT was able to induce improvements in brain blood flow, cognition, symptoms, and quality of life, while the veterans experienced fewer suicidal thoughts.

"Specifically, improvements were seen in 92% of vets experiencing short-term memory problems, 87% of those complaining of headaches, 93% of those with cognitive deficits, 75% with sleep disruption, and 93% with depression. There were also improvements in irritability, mood swings, impulsivity, balance, motor function, IQ, and blood flow in the brain, as well as the reduction in PTSD symptoms and suicidal thoughts. And there was a reduction in—or complete elimination of—psychoactive and narcotic prescription medication usage in 64% of those previously prescribed the medication."  (CLICK FOR COMPLETE ARTICLE)

After reading this article on HBOT, I have to question how badly America REALLY wants to support her troops. I mean, help appears to be available... REAL help. Why not give them what they really need? If you are, or know a vet struggling this way, consider pursuing this treatment on your own. Do NOT allow money to be an object. Friends, churches, organizations, corporations might consider pooling their resources and tending to soldiers out of their own pockets, minus the red tape. Let's put our money where our mouths are, shall we? 

Anybody can slap a "Support the Troops" bumper sticker on their car. I support Wounded Warriors myself, but how much MORE can we do, folks, to really help these hurting heroes and their families? 

Good is the enemy of best. What we're doing is, obviously, not good enough.

Please forward to every military person, pastor, VA physician, newspaper publisher you know. 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

With 100% certainty, God is for us!

Why am I 100% certain of an economic collapse in the USA? Simply put, it's because complicated things tend to break down.

With so many working parts, when a system is compromised and complicated, it's doomed to failure. There's no remedy to this coming collapse as problems get layered upon layers like the lasagna I had last night. If the government took every cent from everyAmerican, they STILL would remain hopelessly in debt. As China pulls out of the U.S. stock market, buying as much gold as they can get their hands on, we'd be wise to follow THEIR example in that regard and NOT the example of spending-our-way-out-of-debt as our own government is modeling.

A food crisis, civil unrest, wars and rumors of wars... it's going to get worse before it gets better. Seems the only money-making industry this nation has to offer is that related to its military industrial complex. What does that mean? More wars. Perhaps even war against her own people. It's called Civil War.

Over a decade ago, I launched an eMail to my Subscribers. In that message, I mentioned that something big was coming to this nation that would grind our billion wheels to a halt. About a month later, planes were flying into the World Trade Center and Pentagon on 9-11. 

People wrote asking if that attack was what I was referring to. In my spirit I knew, 9-11 was not it.

If it's possible to set these thoughts aside, we should not be ignoring the weather and geo-physical happenings. A blind man can see that natural and manmade disasters are on the increase. The earth is shaking at a quickening pace. Long dormant volcanoes are coming to life. Sink holes are swallowing people in their sleep and while they're playing golf. Tsunamis, wildfires, tornadoes, floods, freak snowstorms, then there's the threat of another nuclear meltdown the likes of Fukushima or an EMP, manmade or solar.

Jesus said there'd be days like these.

What are we, as Followers of Christ with a Kingdom agenda, to do in preparation?

For starters, don't be scared, get PREPARED! Like Noah, like Joseph, do the smartest, most forward-thinking thing anyone can do with their resources (the answer is NOT hoarding cash in a bank account). We should aspire to do that which will be for the greatest benefit to the greatest number of people. If the day is coming when gold, food, cigarettes will be the most in-demand items to keep your family in high clover, get some!

More importantly, be equipped to serve. As one who has seen the dyer importance of BEING rather than merely GOING to The Church, seven years ago, I obeyed the Holy Spirit and became certified as a Workplace Chaplain so I could bring The Church into the marketplace with credentials. Prior to that, I was already convicted about the necessity of blending the secular and the sacred; my gifts simply made room for me. Since then, I have attempted to get as many people as I could to begin seeing their job as a ministry, every bit as crucial to the Kingdom as the 5-fold ministries of Ephesians 4:11, I believe.

As an ordained minister, I fulfilled a typical role in local churches over the years, preaching, teaching, marrying , burying and baptizing. Recently, after completing the International Chaplain Academy, I received certification as a "Disaster Pastor." Through the Austin Disaster Relief Network (ADRN), I've become convinced how thoroughly UNPREPARED the majority of The Church is to assist people in the aftermath of a catastrophe. In fact, I have heard several reports from Law Enforcement officials stating how well-meaning Churches flooded into disaster incident areas and, quite frankly, made things even worse.

Although the small army of CISM-trained, uniformed, background-checked ADRN Volunteers were an amazing help (and still are) during the nearby Bastrop wildfire that destroyed 1700 homes and out-buildings two years ago, I believe future disasters will not necessarily be in such close proximity. Sure, the city of Austin is built over underground caves that could become sinkholes some day, but I believe the ADRN, and similar organizations, will be called upon to aid victims of disaster around the nation in the not-too-distant future.

What does that mean? It means the rapid training of greater numbers of Disaster Pastors is imperative. An army of Chaplains must be equipped and ready to deploy... and soon, in my humble opinion. Just as the West Point graduating class of 1861 graduated TWICE that year in order to fill the ranks of officers in both armies, likewise, the ADRN would be wise to rapidly certify as many Chaplains as possible in preparation for upcoming nationwide disasters.

Nothing else matters but the winning of souls (minds, wills and emotions). Being The Church without preaching at hurting disaster victims will become an important part of the Last Days harvest, I believe. Teaching others how to BE The Church when there's no preachers or steepled edifices in sight (think Paul with the church at Lydia's home) will be critical in the near future. 

My contention? We need to start thinking WAAAY outside the box of what we've come to know as Christianity American-Style. 


As I see it, the Stuff is about to Hit The Fan and the Bride has not made herself ready. We're stronger together than we are apart.

Let's be praying earnestly for the American Body of Christ. We are not limited by our own strength and capabilities because of the Power of the Holy Spirit within us!  

If God is for us, who can be against us? Just as the Israelites sent Judah first praising and thanking God for the victory before the conflict ever began, we can do likewise!

With a sense of confident urgency, I bless you all,

Michael Tummillo
Chaplain and Founder of The Church @ Work

Join us for Tipping Point 2013 as many stream cross and ideas are exchanged across the Body of Christ during this Seven Mountains gathering. I'll be the MC on Friday, speaking on Saturday. CLICK HERE for Houston Chronicle article.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Are YOU ready?
I suggest you print these articles and 
maintain in a folder for future use. 
we will always have computer access or 
even electric power.

Are you watching 'The Bible'?

Are you one of the millions of people enjoying the History Channels' 'The Bible'? I never planned on watching it, mainly because, in this era of Political Correctness, I had my doubts the program would go "by the book," so to speak. I don't condemn anyone who IS watching it either. I much prefer folks watch that than American Idol, frankly. Just my opinion.

I saw Roma Downey and her hubby on O'Reilly before their mini-series aired and, as I understand it, the first episode focused on the events in Genesis and Exodus. From what I've been told, the first major non-biblical event portrayed in the program was the inclusion of an angel turning into a Ninja-style warrior wielding two swords and embarking on an expertly choreographed, slow-motion stabbing spree to slay the wicked men of Sodom. 

I understand poetic license and all that, but according to the Old Testament, angels struck the citizens of Sodom with blindness before God firebombed their sin city. The show failed to mention the rampant homosexuality in Sodom, or that the city's men actually sought to have sex with the angels, (Genesis 19:5). Wonder why they failed to mention that? Trying to be PC is my guess, trying not to offend anyone. To the contrary, Jesus comforted the afflicted and afflicted the comfortable, as I recall.

I read about another deviation from the Bible depicting Abraham arguing with God over the demand to sacrifice his son, Isaac.

"Have I not shown you enough faith?" he asks the Almighty.

The Bible never hints that Abraham questioned the Lord's command to sacrifice Isaac.

A common mistake in faith-related movies is continued in "The Bible," as the Ten Commandments were shown to be blank on the back side of the tablets. Actually, Scripture says "They were inscribed on both sides, front and back," (Exodus 32:15). I get it! It would be very difficult to display a facsimile on our church walls or Halls of Justice if it were inscribed on two sides. 

Another episode we've seen in similar TV and movie renditions of the Bible depicts three wise men presenting their gifts to baby Jesus the night He was born and put in a manger in Bethlehem. But the Gospels of Luke and Matthew indicate no wise men were in attendance the night He was born. Only shepherds were present, having been invited by angels to see the baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. The famous wise men (the Bible never specifies their precise number) arrived later, possibly up to two years later, to present their gifts to Jesus when He was a young child in a house, not a babe in a manger, (Matthew 2:11)

My point? I wonder how many Followers of Christ have studied the Bible and know it well enough to pick up on these errors. With Good Friday coming up, I wonder how many have ever counted backward 72 hours from Easter Sunday morning and realized  the error of recognizing the crucifixion on Friday night. Heck, the very mention of "Jesus" and "Easter" are extra-Biblical, did you know that? It's true. The name by which we know our Lord and Savior was not pronounced "Jee -zuz" until about 500 years ago. In the 1611 King James version of the Bible, Jesus was spelled Iesous, James was spelled Iames and both were pronounced like a letter "Y" (there was no letter J sound in either Hebrew, Latin or Greek). 

The thousands of denominations that make-up The Church are replete with traditions, dogmas, rituals and stories that cannot be supported by Scripture. Yet, we cling to them, fight for them, split congregations over them and murder over them. I marvel every time I think about the prophet Samuel crying to God about the Israelites who wanted a king like all the other nations had. In essence God responded, "Fine! They want a king, I'll give 'em a king. He will tax them silly and take their sons off to die in his wars. He will take your daughters for his own service. They want a king rather than hearing me speak through you? They'll be sorry..." That same, personal God desires to speak clearly to you and me as individuals. We can do that now, boldly coming before Him any time we wish, now that Jesus has paid the price for our sins. Quite often, He will speak through the Bible, a book often owned and ignored.

Whether it was Moses coming down off the mountain, or a pastor sharing a sermon after studying the Scriptures, the masses seem content to let "the man of God" do all the God-searching on their behalf as they blindly - and lazily - devour everything set before them during church services where we are mostly focused on salvation, sins, modes of baptism, teachings on Heaven and Hell and pancake suppers, forgetting all about receiving personal revelation from God and direction for your own lives. Today's Christian is so much different than the Berean Christians who, the Bible says, "searched the Scriptures daily to see if Paul and Silas were teaching the truth," (Acts 17:11)

We're too busy to study God's Word. Too distracted. Hey, it takes everything we got to muster 30 hours of TV "programming" every week (who's being programmed?). Not to mention our extracurricular activities, or working two jobs or more in an effort to buy some more stuff. Running our lives without the Power of God's Word flowing through us is like trying to run a vacuum cleaner without electric power. It ain't happenin'!

Enjoy the Bible. Not merely the made-for-TV series...the Word of God. Incidentally, His Name, in English, is Jesus. 

Every blessing,
Michael Tummillo
Founder, The Church @ Work

Monday, March 18, 2013


PastorMike officially a 'Pastor of Disaster'!

Workplace Chaplain Michael "PastorMike" Tummillo was in Austin March 15-16 in order to complete Parts II & III of the International Chaplain Academy (ICA) Chaplain Academy course in association with the renowned Austin Disaster Relief Network (ADRN). The 30-hr course included such topics as Crisis Intervention, Psychological First-Aid, Death Notification, Suicides, Conflict Resolution, and more. Tummillo is now a Certified Chaplain with the ADRN and received an Internationally-recognized certificate from ICA. 

Because of his professional role as a licensed and ordained Workplace Chaplain since 2005, immediately following his graduation presentation, he was asked to speak with a core group of Austin-area ADRN Chaplains desiring to learn from his Workplace Chaplaincy experiences.

The ICA training was facilitated by Melissa Slagle, Founder of ICA. Slagle is the Chaplain with the Tulsa County Sheriff, a Professor at Southern Nazarene University, Tulsa, Living Solutions Christian Counseling, Living Solutions Crisis Mgmt Training & Consultants, and has served on the Crises Incident teams at many disasters. She has been called out to help disaster victims world-wide in almost every major disaster since Mount St. Helen.  Melissa is a Certified Traumatic-Stress Specialist (CTS), Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), and a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT).  Additional catastrophic incidents in which she has served include the Oklahoma City Bombing, the Bastrop fire, Hurricanes Rita and Katrina, the Joplin tornado and many more. Slagle says her desire is to "duplicate herself" by training many more Chaplains around the nation and she hopes God will raise up trained and certified Chaplains who will be willing to train others around the nation. Tummillo sees this as a perfect fit with his own ministry saying, "I have been endorsing Workplace Chaplains through The Church at Work for several years... it's my heart's desire, too, to train others, essentially, giving the ministry away."

Tummillo is convinced that, with the increasing frequency of disasters across the globe, in the days ahead, there will be a worldwide necessity for additional Crisis Chaplains. "Sad to say, I'm convinced the Bastrop fire - a fire that destroyed 1700+ homes - will seem like small potatoes in contrast to what's coming... we who Follow Christ can have a calming effect on the lives of multitudes of people who will lose everything, including loved ones, an introduce them to Christ in us, the hope of glory. During disasters, though many Followers of Christ mean well, authorities say many tend to do more harm than good because of the lack of training."

Men and women of all denominations who feel inclined to be endorsed as Chaplains are asked to prayerfully consider this important ministry.

Please forward this article to friends and family who might be feeling called into this ministry.

CHAPLAINCY TRAINING THRU ADRN - Courses available throughout the year need NOT be taken in any particular order!

Friday, March 1, 2013

The power of the Prayer Cloth

For some folks, the very idea of a "Prayer Cloth" probably seems a bit strange.

Is it Biblical? Sure! Matthew 9:20-22 tells the story of a woman who had suffered severe bleeding for twelve years. She managed to touch the hem of Jesus’ cloak, believing this simple contact would heal her. Jesus countered in verse 22, telling her, “…your faith has made you well.” 

Though that may not be quite the Prayer Cloth to which I'm referring, no one can knock its success! The more I think about it, what a great "first fruits" Prayer Cloth that was! 

In Matthew 14:34-36, men of Gennesaret had a similar thought. They called all the sick from the area and invited them to touch Jesus’ cloak. Apparently, Jesus stood still for this because all who did so were healed. Again, their faith made them well. 

That's more along the lines of what I'm referring to, but there's an even better example found in Acts 19:11-12. In this reference, handkerchiefs that Paul had merely touched were carried to the sick, healing people of diseases and evil spirits. Now THAT'S what I'm talking about!

Many years ago, I was oppressed by a Spirit of Infirmity that caused my doctor to declare I had an "incurable" spinal disease that would cause me to be confined to a nursing home by age 50 (I'm 53 now and I'm in nursing homes all the time, but NOT as a Resident, praise God!). I was in a great deal of pain, walked with a cain and "slept" sitting upright in a chair. One day, while reading a particular ministry's newsletter, I found an ad in which they were offering to send "anointed prayer cloths" to anyone suffering from sickness. It was a free offer and I was desperate. When I received my prayer cloth, it came with a few instructions and a written word of encouragement. 

I placed it gently inside my pillow case and, well... I got better. 

Was it ONLY because of the Prayer Cloth I was healed? 

Was it the Prayer Cloth in conjunction with all the other prayers I'd received?

Was it merely a coincidence I was healed at all?

All I know, and all that matters to me is, I was healed!

Since those days, I have had quite a few experiences regarding Prayer Cloths. For starters, you must know I am a firm believer Jesus never commanded us to "pray for the sick." If you can find that anywhere in Scripture, I'll eat that page. What He DID tell His followers to do was to HEAL the sick. When we minister Divine Healing to anyone who lives far away, 99% of the time, our intercession is all they get, and it's usually enough! However, there are times when we might feel led by the Spirit to send the suffering individual a Prayer Cloth. Typically, it's a napkin or handerkerchief that we lay our hands on, anoint with oil and pray over as if the individual were right there.

A 4-year old with leukemia in Michigan. We prayed over a colorful blanket: healed

A woman in ICU at a hospital hours away: healed

A woman struggling with alcoholism was handed a prayer cloth which she slept with and carried in her pocket: recent report, healed.

There are many other cases I've heard of over my years of ministry as well. One of my favorites is told by a local minister who testifies of his daughter who was in a coma after an accident. When he applied a Prayer Cloth he was given to her forehead in the Emergency Room, immediately, she sat straight up in bed! 

Jesus said, "Be it unto you according to your faith." Right now, is YOUR faith telling you that you, or someone you know, could benefit from this Prayer Cloth ministry? If so, let me know. Send an email with the letters "PC" in your Subject Bar. Include the name and the basic information regarding the ailing person involved and, of course, a mailing address. 

I offer you this guarantee: If you do nothing for yourself or your sickly loved ones, nothing has any chance of taking place.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

By the way, this is FREE!

Every blessing,
Michael Tummillo
Founder, The Church @ Work