Doing 'the stuff': What comes AFTER the Crucifixion?
So, what happens next?
Over the years, I have experienced Christianity through the eyes of several mainline denominations. In every camp, getting people "saved" always seemed to be Priority One. I can't help but wonder why, whether it was through baptism as infants or adults, repeating a Sinner's Prayer, raising one's hand, the greatest emphasis of each group with which I was affiliated was salvation with so little emphasis on what came AFTER the crucifixion.
Have you noticed there's only one reference to being "born again" in Scripture while there are many having to do with following Jesus? Yet, are goal is to do all we can to get people to what our particular group calls "saved" by one of our denominational methods.
Have you noticed there's only one reference to being "born again" in Scripture while there are many having to do with following Jesus? Yet, are goal is to do all we can to get people to what our particular group calls "saved" by one of our denominational methods.
As I see it, Jesus preached about the Kingdom and taught His disciples to do likewise. We don't see that much these days. Throughout the New Testament, starting with the Book of Acts, we see those who were Followers of Jesus doing miracles, casting out devils and exercising spiritual gifts. We see them starting churches in their homes and making every effort to advance God's Kingdom regardless of whether they were imprisoned, forsaken, rejected, or wrongly accused. They lifted up the name of Jesus in every circumstance as an example for future generations.
As John Wimber, Founder of the Vineyard Churches said after he started reading the Bible and began regularly attending church meetings, "When do we do 'the stuff'?"
In my experiences with those involved in Satanism, the common thread among them all was this: they wanted power. So weakened by what life had thrown their way, they desperately turned to Satan, even when they knew he didn't have their best interests in mind.
As a Youth Minister, I can recall conversations with many kids asking if what they had experienced in church thus far was all they could expect from then on. They'd kicked the tires and test-driven the institution and were not impressed, explaining why over 80% of kids leave the church world at age 18.
In my ministry as a Workplace Chaplain, the number one reason I get from adults for not attending church is "I don't want to listen to someone tell me how bad I am." They already know they're bad. In their minds, they've separated themselves from God and there's no turning back. Maybe that's why so many people start crying when I tell them God isn't angry with them.
In the Christian life of multitudes, they don't have any idea as to when they will start doing 'the stuff'. If they asked for training, they would get that 'deer in the headlights' look.
Personally, watching people receive healing, seeing marriages restored, encouraging people who are at their wit's end, casting the devil out of people's lives, renewing my mind as to what Kingdom Living is all about, gets me out of bed every day. I LOVE this Kingdom stuff!
Personally, watching people receive healing, seeing marriages restored, encouraging people who are at their wit's end, casting the devil out of people's lives, renewing my mind as to what Kingdom Living is all about, gets me out of bed every day. I LOVE this Kingdom stuff!
Are YOU living your Kingdom purpose? If not, why not? The Bible promises you the same power that raised Jesus from the dead. Do you want that, or will you be content to appropriate just enough power to drag yourself to one more church service? You don't really believe Jesus died for THAT, do you?! For far too many, being a Christian boils down to trying to "be good" and sitting in a pew. Don't be that guy!
CLICK HERE to hear my teaching about the Kingdom of God. It will help you!
Happy Resurrection Sunday!
Every blessing,
Michael Tummillo
Founder, The Church @ Work