Friday, June 15, 2012

Jesus, Lord of our Darkest Hours

"We do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, of our trouble which came to us in Asia: that we were burdened beyond measure, above strength, so that we despaired even of life. 
Yes, we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves but in God who raises the dead," 2 Corinthians 1:8-9

It's been said "Tough times don't last but tough people DO!" 

Have you ever gone through a very difficult time? The operative word in that sentence is "THROUGH." You can go THROUGH tough times, or you can build a camp and STAY there. Many people do just that, becoming comfortable with that time of trauma or despair, as if it were an old friend. Truth is, they've become FAMILIAR with it; hence the term "Familiar Spirit." One becomes familiar with pain, low self-esteem, criticism, fear, whatever demon the darkest hour of their soul may have ushered in with it. 

On the other hand, the right attitude regarding those dark hours can help us to trust God on the deepest of levels. They can make us appreciate the simple things we took for granted before the crisis. After these trials, it's as though we've been given a new beginning. We can place a greater value on what we had before and use it for His purposes. Perhaps, for the first time, we can identify with others who have found themselves enduring a trial similar to one we have already been through. We can become a supporter. 

A burden-bearer.  

A comforter.

I recall having an attitude of superiority over anyone who'd committed, or even considered, suicide. My pride kept me from identifying with such people. Then, in the darkest hour of my soul, when I despaired of my own life and suicide became the only viable option, the Father revealed Himself to me and I chose Jesus, life personified. Thing is, I THOUGHT I knew Him already. I'd been deceived. I'd unwittingly settled for Religion, church attendance and "being good" in exchange for a vibrant RELATIONSHIP with Almighty God.

I learned a great deal during that period. I learned that the world, and even Christians, often treat people who don't APPEAR to be walking in victory, as if they were lepers. Like me, they don't know how to relate. Now, I appreciate the little things that I never would have valued without that trial. The experience taught me greater dependence and faith in the provision area of my relationship with God.

When God brings death to one area of life, he resurrects it in a new way. Death works in us to bring new life and new perspectives. These are designed to strengthen us in ways 
we never would have moved without that experience. Perhaps this explains why a Pakistani Pastor who had established over 900 churches said to me, "Our prayer for the American Church is that persecution would come to you. Without it, you will never know Jesus the way we have come to know Him."

I understand, do you?

God knows how much this is needed in our life to gain the prize He has reserved for each of us. It is His strategic mercy that motivates Him to allow tough times and temptations to even enter into our life. Hey, even Jesus was tested in the wilderness by the same devil who tempts you and me. Yes, even Jesus, the One who said, "I came as an example." 

Press into Him, learn from Him, and rely upon Him. 

Every blessing,
Michael Tummillo
Founder, The Church @ Work

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