Thursday, July 11, 2013

Financial Guerrilla Warfare. You in?

Folks often ask me if my wife and I have completely removed ourselves from the USDollar. Nnnnnot quite, but almost. Many people haven't yet grasped the concept of why it's important to get out of the corporate- dominated system of the global elite before they can ever visualize themselves doing so and, subsequently, strategizing an exit plan. It's simple. Ask yourself, "what would that look like?" and then start making it happen.
My contention is this: if enough people will withdraw from the central banking system, we can really hit 'em where they live. These days, whenever I hear the word "scam" I instantly think of the Federal Reserve, the IRS, 401k's... things we've grown accustomed to and have grown to accept, even though they're robbing us blind. THOSE are scams! These people are making a fortune off us, marching our sons and daughters off to war, making us pay ungodly taxes - theft of our hard-earned money. Here are a few things you can begin to put into practice. They'll make you feel better! Yes, you are only one person, but if each one teaches one, we CAN make a major difference:
1) Do not use direct deposit from your employer.
2) Keep a minimal amount of cash in the bank, enough to cash your checks.
3) Pay your mortgages with a money order. Do the same for your car loans.
4) Do not make purchases you cannot afford to pay cash for; debt makes you a slave to the banksters.
5) Pay cash for as much as you can and limit the amount of cash you deposit into the bank. Remember, for every dollar that goes into the bank, the globalists multiply it times nine (it's called 'fractional banking' and it's insane!) and much of that money goes toward programs designed to maximize their control over us.
6) Shop at your local merchants. Avoid corporate chain stores, owned by the megabanks.
7) Regularly, hold and/or attend garage sales and farmers markets to find what you need.
8) Grow your own food and subsist on that food supply as much as possible.
9) Barter. Learn to trade or, at the very least, get ready to start a bartering lifestyle in the near future. Not because you HAVE to, but because you CHOOSE to do so.

You get the idea; when multitudes get out of their money system as much as we can, we will significantly weaken the money-changers' system. We MUST aim for their pocketbooks! We are not going to be able to invade Wall Street, so we have attack it from the inside. This is Financial Guerrilla Warfare. Whatever you may think of Edward Snowden, he has his government shaking in their boots while, in contrast, in other nations, millions are resisting their governments while lives are being lost. The pen truly is mightier than the sword.
There is also a side benefit to these withdrawal strategies: When the collapse of the dollar finally arrives – and it WILL - you will be better prepared and positioned to survive. It is time to roll up our sleeves and work towards getting out of this corrupt system.
One last thing: Become a Citizen Journalist. Forward articles (like this one) to as many friends and family as you can WHILE you can. 
Remember what Scripture says: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world…”
Every blessing,
Michael Tummillo

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