Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Make Jesus the Lord of your Workplace TODAY!

Yes, all around the planet, today is "Take Your Jesus to Work Day." Truth is, that describes EVERY day. Our  challenge is to truly surrender our work day to Him, allowing Him to actually BE the "Lord" of the workplace. The word "lord" actually means "Owner" and, I gotta ask, "Is Jesus the Owner of your workplace? Your department? You?" 

Has anyone there ever prayerfully consulted Jesus regarding your business and marketing plans, hirings and firings and training programs? Have you done so lately? Have you ever sought His will regarding whether or not to hire a Workplace Chaplain or start a Bible Study after work, or are you motivated by fear and the lie commonly referred to as "The wall of separation of Church and State," found nowhere in our Constitution or any other founding legal documents, incidentally?

Maybe you don't run the organization. No matter. As a child of God, you wield an incredible amount of spiritual power that allows you to set the tone as to how that company will operate. It may take time, but you are a thermostat, NOT a thermometer, fully equipped to claim that facility for God's Kingdom. Remember to arrive early, leave late and work hard in-between. Set an example of excellence, treating customers, coworkers and vendors as you would like to be treated yourself. Expect favor with God and with mankind while you're there. Pray under your breath while saving your "ministry moments" for breaks, lunchtime, before and after work. Pray daily for Divine Appointments and the Holy Spirit will arrange them. 

"The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world and all who dwell in it." You see, Jesus is already the Lord of all things. Sadly, too few of us have surrendered to Him that special place in every aspect of our own lives. Does He own our past, or are we harboring some secret, some pain that has become all too familiar and comfortable to us, so much so we can't imagine life without it? Is He Lord of our present as well as our future... our habits, attitudes, relationships and finances, too?

Make a verbal declaration; life and death are in the power of the tongue, remember? Declare Jesus is the Lord of your workplace right now. Do it again tomorrow.
Before I was a Workplace Chaplain, a business owner asked if I'd come and bless her facility where homosexuality was running amok. Along with several others, we met her there one evening and prayed, declaring Jesus was Lord of that place. Shortly afterward, the lesbian Administrator resigned followed by the other gay employees. A new Administrator was hired, a godly man, I became the Workplace Chaplain, and the entire atmosphere changed. I've worked for several organizations where similar things took place, changing the environment completely. 

Welcome Jesus to take His rightful place in your workplace. Make Him your silent partner today... and get ready to receive His directives.

Every blessing,
Michael Tummillo
Founder, The Church @ Work

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