Friday, November 9, 2012

Dip from your own well and lift that countenance!

Wow! The re-election of President Obama has many who did NOT support him licking their wounds the past few days. I've heard from quite a few who said they were depressed, angry and that a "heaviness" had fallen over their community while Sodomites, Baby-Killers and Dope Smokers reveled.

A few days ago, after I had broadcast a message reminding people to pray for the President, I received 'thank you' messages from more people than I can recall having ever received messages, most who seemed to appreciate the reminder. Today, American business is reacting, with long lists of well-known companies feeling forced to begin massive lay-offs immediately.

Even Joel Richardson writes, "In the afterglow of Obama’s victory, Ayman al-Zawahiri, Ayatollah Khamenei, Vladimir Putin and Chris Matthews, as well as millions of pot-heads, sodomites, pro-aborts and all common moochers, are sharing a collective thrill. The American people by a clear majority have rejected fiscal responsibility, energy independence, national security, border security, traditional family values, and worst of all, standing with the most defenseless and innocent among us."

In my opinion, it's always best to come against Oppressive Spirits with an Opposite Spirit. When the Scripture encourages us to "give thanks at all times," some might be wondering how that would be humanly possible when their Candidate lost.  Well, I ran across a video by Pastor Carl Gallup this afternoon. It was a "True or False" ditty and I thought it made sense. I pray it blesses you... no matter WHO you voted for!

TRUE or FALSE. The day after the election, no matter WHO had won the election...

...Jesus is still your King!

...your responsibilities as a Follower of King Jesus remain EXACTLY the same?

...the greatest agent for social change in America will still be winning the souls of others through the Gospel - NOT through legislation.

...your primary citizenship will be the Kingdom of God. Heaven is your home!

...the unchanging Word of God is still the unchanging Word of God.

...the tomb of Jesus is still empty!

...Jesus Christ - NOT the government - is still where salvation is found.

...our children will still be more concerned about spending time with their parents in their own home than who is sitting in the WHite House.

...the only way to see abortion overturned will be by winning others to a higher way of life through the Gospel.

...the only way to see homosexual marriage defeated will still be by winning others to a Biblical view of marriage through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

...your retirement - and anything you have in the bank - still won't match the treasures stored up for you in Heaven.

..."Jesus Christ is Lord" will still be the greatest truth in the universe. can still be at peace knowing God is in control and still has a plan.

Every blessing,
Michael Tummillo
Founder, The Church @ Work

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