My name is Michael Tummillo. I'm a Workplace Chaplain and Founder of The Church @ Work (TCAW).
The mission of TCAW is to Disciple and Encourage people in the Workforce. If you have a job, you have a ministry. Hurting, lonely, disillusioned people spend over half our lives at work, trading time for money. If we who spend most of our time there aren't reaching them, who will?
Many Followers of Christ have felt God's call upon their lives yet live a frustrated existence thinking all they're good for is dropping a portion of their paycheck in the offering.
There's MORE!
Jesus did the majority of His ministry in the Marketplace. He came as our example. With that in mind, I'm at your service.
How can I bless you?
Whether it's prayer, pastoral counsel, visiting the sick,
speaking to church groups, schools and at conferences,
I am available.
I'm here to help you.
After taking a look at the Post-It Note above, please respond in one of two ways:
1. Call or text me at 214.476.8792 with your response.
2. Send an eMail to me at miketummillo@me.com
Rest assured, your conversations with me are strictly CONFIDENTIAL.
You CAN remain anonymous!
I'm looking forward to hearing from you!
Please FORWARD this message to your co-workers!
ONE MORE THING: If you are a Christian and the concept of ministry in the Workplace appeals to you, dozens have already been endorsed through this ministry's on-line course. Just ask! Begin the process of becoming a card-carrying Workplace Chaplain TODAY!
Every blessing,
Michael Tummillo
Founder, The Church @ Work (TCAW)
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